So you stocked it yourself Kem?....
I guess I missed that in my "Bad Grain" rant, lol... my hat is off to you mate.
It must be a wonderful to see the change from a really nice bit of wood into an incredibly beautiful stock , & all done with your own fair hands...totally sweet
It must be mind blowing when you start to get it wet, n the colours start to really show n deepen...I changed my mind on that gold drop, it looks just lovely , love that long cheek.
The comment on the horn being slippery might be true..if so , how would you fix that?...add a leather face to the butt?, but would it be more slippery than a wood one?...lettuce know how she shoots
Once again, that gun looks superb mate

Last edited by Franc Otte; 08/01/14 03:41 PM.