Now, now, I didn't insult anyone. Certainly not Brad. I'll reiterate the point I made earlier, that I wasn't disputing the quality of the work. My point was that anyone can do anything they want with their own property. It's nobody else's business.

Good examples are such things as having a picture of yourself playing the guitar engraved on the action sides in Bulino, or engraving your gun with topless Harpies and other mythological creatures. Both examples previously discussed on this board. All a personal choice due to your own tastes.

The Marlin guys have really got into the "Nitty Gritty" of case color restoration, it's from them that I gained a lot of my initial knowledge.

I'll dispute your view that "it would seem no one wants the utilitarian, simplified quench colors of the hardware store guns". Hardly accurate, as case coloring was found on the whole gamut of grades, and was really more of a period metallurgical process that was adapted to be aesthetically pleasing as well. Why do you think that Vintage guns with high case color condition command significantly higher prices? Originality is obviously preferred, but accurate restoration is desirable as well. Turnbull is the obvious example. If they didn't, chances are people wouldn't take the time and effort to attempt to restore them.


Last edited by Ken61; 08/02/14 01:10 PM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.