Geez Steve, something wierd must be happening to all of those staunchly Conservative posts you're telling us about. Maybe those spam bots that have been plaguing this site have been eating all of your pro-Conservative posts and just allowing the ones that have a Liberal bias to come through.

And gee whiz, haven't you gone from telling us that George Bush was the second worst President ever, after this current mess (see your post#374374 from 9:02 AM yesterday) to becoming the absolute worst right behind Obama (see your post #374722 from 11:24 AM yesterday)? Damn, you stood on somewhat Conservative ground for a whole 2 hours and 22 minutes. That must have been really tough. Your anti-Obama veneer is looking pretty thin there. And while you have plenty to say about the deficit spending ran up by Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., you somehow neglected the fact that your Hope and Change boy ran up more red ink in less than two terms than all of them combined. But don't worry. We all believe that you hold a lot of Conservative views. Yep, we're all pretty gullible at the end of the day!

I also liked your link to the famous photo of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Liberals really love that one... even closet Liberals like yourself. Too bad you couldn't be fair and balanced enough to reference the numerous times that Obama has proclaimed success in Iraq... even as he is currently allowing all that blood and treasure to go down the toilet. I agree that the massive expenditure there was bad. Allowing it to become a complete and total waste is even more tragic. More to follow in Afghanistan, but at least those soldiers who did multiple tours of duty will be able to impress you with their extensive travel resume. Let's hope they don't end up with a "closed mind" like Doug, and go through life thinking their Commander in Chief was an incompetant Socialist anti-gun tax and spend redistributionist. It's funny how Doug's extensive travels and life experiences don't allow him to be open minded enough to wish to see us become another bankrupt Greece or Italy. Let's hope the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans' travel experiences allow them to conveniently be on both sides of any issue like you, and go whichever way the wind is blowing.

Here's how craigd sees it...

Originally Posted By: craigd
I don't think you're a far lefty for seeing flaws in both parties. I go back to my equivocating point. You brush off hard left dem agenda, then criticize the right in detail. In other words clearly no balance, which is just fine, but not how presented.

I think that was a very polite way of saying that you've been rather disingenuous about your consistant Left leaning bias. I didn't say you were extreme far Left either. But you're at least as far left of moderate centrist as I am to the right. Big difference is that I'm being honest about it. So is Doug, Jim, J.R.B., craigd. To them, I raise a glass of far right closed-minded Kool-Aid! Na Zdorovie gentlemen.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.