Originally Posted By: SKB
It was really a reference to Doug posted his slanted gas price picture, again, not the whole story.

Ah Doug, I'm pretty sure your picture is posted next to pompous a** in the dictionary. The absolute gall of someone to think they have the right to judge how another citizen votes. And you call yourself an American? Certainly not one who with any sense values. In this country, if your are of legal age and a citizen you get one vote and the chips fall where they may just like the rest of us you self righteous A**.

So sorry that you get upset Steve, but I do understand life must be tough for you with your own knowledge that you are stupid. You should have read the entire gas price thread, there were some very knowledgeable posts explaining all facets of fuel costs, trends and graphs, you might have learned something....then again probably not..... With your poor spelling and grammar it makes sense why you frequent the dictionary often, we all know what your picture is under.

Stay safe sparky and don't get your pony tail caught in a band saw or lathe you stupid libtard loser.
