Originally Posted By: keith
At least it's a bit more intelligible here, and you can see that Stevie's vast travels have not helped him even a little bit:


You can find Lefty Stevie's jumbled numbers in a neat chart if you scroll a little more than half-way down the page in the link.It also shows that Lefty Stevie both continues to demonstrate his Liberal Leftist colors, and that he has scant understanding of the chart he attempted to copy.

Does this idiot even understand that he has helped to make Doug's point? Go to the link and look at the Federal debt and debt as a percentage of GDP at the end of WWII, and then look at how those numbers declined after the massive wartime expenditures stopped.

Contrast that with the debt vs. GDP accrued under Obama in only 5 1/2 years. Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down almost completely, the percentage of debt to GDP has exceeded 100% for the first time since WWII. As Doug has noted, any and all cost savings associated with ending two expensive wars have merely been diverted to Social Welfare programs... and even more debt has been piled on top of all that. No Conservative is happy with the massive amount of debt that was run up by Bush Jr., even though some of it was from expenditures to rebuild a military that was gutted by Clinton. Someone always has to pay for any party.

Debt vs. GDP numbers always increase when taxes are reduced as Republicans tend to do. Obama increased taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, and increased a myriad of fees, yet he still increased debt as a percentage of GDP, massively, even as taxes, and tax receipts have gone up and wartime expenditures have fallen. Obama has managed to run up more debt in 5 1/2 years than the spendthrift Bush did in 8 years. Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for his additions to the National Debt. Yet he's just fine with the huge burdens he is adding to our children... and damages which may be unrepairable.

This dumbass Lefty Stevie really showed you Doug... he showed you, and all of us, just how stupid and how Liberal Left biased he really is.
I hope someone will quote my post so that the Leftist coward can't ignore it like a sissy. Thanks in advance.

Keith, Steve does duplicate some of nca's writing trends, could be a cosmic thing, or the same kind of pot.....?.....LOL

The only time Steve opens his mouth is to change feet. Obviously he did not graduate from high school or any other institution of lower learning, probably too busy traveling.......LOL..... He just cannot connect the dots no matter how hard he tries, a requirement for an Obama voter. Also, lie about who you voted for then defend your vote on a public forum....stupid or what....?.... Like I said, it must be sad for him knowing he is so stupid and trying to cope day to day.....

He's hopeless Keith and he does read your posts, just more gutless libtard fog, as usual ......... Steve is a lost cause of glowing public ignorance.
