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Originally Posted By: SKB
....I can still get all the products I need despite the executive orders in place. I certainly believe the Ivory ban, restrictions on Elephant hunting, the slow down in import approval on firearms(despite my aversion to conspiracy theories) are a result of our current administration. I fully agree with you regarding the short comings of our current administration....

....The increased budget deficit is under Obama is constantly quoted by the right as huge issue. I could not agree more. Here is chart nicely showing the increase. Be careful though, a full reading of our public debt will also show debt growth under GWB....

....Because I see the flaws in both parties am I some kind of far lefty? I don't think so....

....Rand Paul, I'm leaning towards him. I like the fact he is fiscally conservative and that he is not especially eager to get us involved in another conflict in some armpit of the world. I know.....more crazy liberal crap eh?....

From the perspective that 'Bush had done incredible harm to the country', can you blame the others for the far lefty comments. While you agree with some of the current 'short comings', I think we live in different countries. All the current folks have done is slow down import paperwork and ban ivory, really.

We can all get what we 'need'. Around these parts, surviving can mean serving the wants of customers. Productivity can mean being able to have wants, not just basic needs.

I know both parties spend. One of my pet peeves is equivocating. Spin as can, but Republicans can not be shown to have the stomach to print, borrow, tax and spend like a lib dem can. Take a look at your debt link, did that scum bag GDubya stick nearly a trillion on his books after consulting with the incoming admin about what bo needed to hit the ground running. Can't recall a thank you, but bo still manages to blame him for odds and ends.

I don't think you're a far lefty for seeing flaws in both parties. I go back to my equivocating point. You brush off hard left dem agenda, then criticize the right in detail. In other words clearly no balance, which is just fine, but not how presented.

Primaries are one thing, but I'll vote R in the general particularly after seeing the dem front runner and experiencing the platform. Rand Paul's a good ideological choice, but do you think he'll appeal to a nation. If Paul were to be elected and held strictly to no foreign force involvement, what's your answer to keep America humming along. Will the russians and chinese dictate our energy and trade policy. Will middle easterns dictate our southern immigration policy. Is all your tooling, supplies, raw materials, etc. 100% American from out of the ground through manufacturing.

Similar thought, were our energy sources, trade, sea lanes, airways, safety, etc. more predictable under Bush' armpit of a military investment or bo's masterful diplomacy. Why's bo sending bombers back to iraq, what would Paul do. iraq's one of those armpits, isn't it.

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Back to the top-secret progressive journalist group…

Networking is powerful when original thoughts and viewpoints are exchanged. That doesn’t seem to be the case here. This sounds more like a 1000 person progressive circle jerk.
Progressives haven’t had any new ideas in 100 years. This isn’t a group of sneaky radicals. They’re boring people regurgitating the same old boring shit. A bunch of blowhards desperately pretending to be relevant when, in reality, they are played out.

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Geez Steve, something wierd must be happening to all of those staunchly Conservative posts you're telling us about. Maybe those spam bots that have been plaguing this site have been eating all of your pro-Conservative posts and just allowing the ones that have a Liberal bias to come through.

And gee whiz, haven't you gone from telling us that George Bush was the second worst President ever, after this current mess (see your post#374374 from 9:02 AM yesterday) to becoming the absolute worst right behind Obama (see your post #374722 from 11:24 AM yesterday)? Damn, you stood on somewhat Conservative ground for a whole 2 hours and 22 minutes. That must have been really tough. Your anti-Obama veneer is looking pretty thin there. And while you have plenty to say about the deficit spending ran up by Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., you somehow neglected the fact that your Hope and Change boy ran up more red ink in less than two terms than all of them combined. But don't worry. We all believe that you hold a lot of Conservative views. Yep, we're all pretty gullible at the end of the day!

I also liked your link to the famous photo of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Liberals really love that one... even closet Liberals like yourself. Too bad you couldn't be fair and balanced enough to reference the numerous times that Obama has proclaimed success in Iraq... even as he is currently allowing all that blood and treasure to go down the toilet. I agree that the massive expenditure there was bad. Allowing it to become a complete and total waste is even more tragic. More to follow in Afghanistan, but at least those soldiers who did multiple tours of duty will be able to impress you with their extensive travel resume. Let's hope they don't end up with a "closed mind" like Doug, and go through life thinking their Commander in Chief was an incompetant Socialist anti-gun tax and spend redistributionist. It's funny how Doug's extensive travels and life experiences don't allow him to be open minded enough to wish to see us become another bankrupt Greece or Italy. Let's hope the Iraq and Afghanistan veterans' travel experiences allow them to conveniently be on both sides of any issue like you, and go whichever way the wind is blowing.

Here's how craigd sees it...

Originally Posted By: craigd
I don't think you're a far lefty for seeing flaws in both parties. I go back to my equivocating point. You brush off hard left dem agenda, then criticize the right in detail. In other words clearly no balance, which is just fine, but not how presented.

I think that was a very polite way of saying that you've been rather disingenuous about your consistant Left leaning bias. I didn't say you were extreme far Left either. But you're at least as far left of moderate centrist as I am to the right. Big difference is that I'm being honest about it. So is Doug, Jim, J.R.B., craigd. To them, I raise a glass of far right closed-minded Kool-Aid! Na Zdorovie gentlemen.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith
Geez Steve, something weird must be happening to all of those staunchly Conservative posts you're telling us about. Maybe those spam bots that have been plaguing this site have been eating all of your pro-Conservative posts and just allowing the ones that have a Liberal bias to come through.

And gee whiz, haven't you gone from telling us that George Bush was the second worst President ever, after this current mess (see your post#374374 from 9:02 AM yesterday) to becoming the absolute worst right behind Obama (see your post #374722 from 11:24 AM yesterday)? Damn, you stood on somewhat Conservative ground for a whole 2 hours and 22 minutes. That must have been really tough. Your anti-Obama veneer is looking pretty thin there. And while you have plenty to say about the deficit spending ran up by Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr., you somehow neglected the fact that your Hope and Change boy ran up more red ink in less than two terms than all of them combined. But don't worry. We all believe that you hold a lot of Conservative views. Yep, we're all pretty gullible at the end of the day!

I also liked your link to the famous photo of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner. Liberals really love that one... even closet Liberals like yourself. Too bad you couldn't be fair and balanced enough to reference the numerous times that Obama has proclaimed success in Iraq... even as he is currently allowing all that blood and treasure to go down the toilet. I agree that the massive expenditure there was bad. Allowing it to become a complete and total waste is even more tragic.

Hi Keith,

Libs don't like to be confronted with facts or real world application of these facts. Most libs have selective reading/hearing/speaking and thinking....this is what has created the liberal brain. Nor do they ever do their homework for a complete understanding of any topic before running off at the something, what does that mean....?...Golf anyone....?....

After the billions we spent in Iraq and with the COMPLETE disapproval of military intelligence, military leaders of the Western Allies, the CIA, World Opinion, Common Sense, other friendlies in the Middle East, Our NITWIT-IN-CHARGE removed our forces from Iraq to increase his brownie points with the libtard left in this country, HOME BEFORE CHRISTMAS, what a joke........ We now see the results of his inexperienced stupid decisions in the ENTIRE REGION---AND THE CHICKENS WILL COME HOME TO ROOST AS THEY ARE NOW.........

The libtards are happy because they think the U.S. is saving money by exiting the conflict in Iraq....even though the Nitwit-In-Charge has redistributed that money to the ghetto's and social gimme programs, immigration, more prisons, more law enforcement and more government in this country, all to control the people who don't, never will and DO NOT WANT TO it is a complete wash....

Yuppie 101 + Berkeley 101 + Harvard 101 + Inexperience 101 = DISASTER.

Without even counting the Iraq conflict, look at the debt our Nitwit-In-Charge has incurred WITHOUT ACCOMPLISHING ANYTHING, ABSOLUTELY ZERO, NADA, ZIP.........only a complete retard would vote for someone like this fool, first or second election or both.......

Like you said, Steve is now posting "I Like Rand Paul" in an attempt to put out the fire.....ROFLMAO......As you once said "all the libtards" end up doing the dance of the Gnomoron....LOL

Great post Keith, too much factual truth for libtards to consume I'm afraid.....


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Did you couple of rocket scientist miss this part of my post"
"Since you guys love pictures that do not tell the whole story"

right there in black in white spelled out for you two morons I stated the picture did NOT tell the whole story. It was really a reference to Doug posted his slanted gas price picture, again, not the whole story.

Kieth your just so far to the right it is no longer of any use even reading your posts. I've been a member since the late 90's here. You are NOT going to drive me away with your BS lefty label. I will for the very first time place a board member on ignore though. Maybe you should give NCA225 a call, you obviously just want to argue. I had a girlfriend like that once and got rid of her too. Buh Bye moron.

Ah Doug, I'm pretty sure your picture is posted next to pompous a** in the dictionary. The absolute gall of someone to think they have the right to judge how another citizen votes. And you call yourself an American? Certainly not one who with any sense values. In this country, if your are of legal age and a citizen you get one vote and the chips fall where they may just like the rest of us you self righteous A**.
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Originally Posted By: SKB
It was really a reference to Doug posted his slanted gas price picture, again, not the whole story.

Ah Doug, I'm pretty sure your picture is posted next to pompous a** in the dictionary. The absolute gall of someone to think they have the right to judge how another citizen votes. And you call yourself an American? Certainly not one who with any sense values. In this country, if your are of legal age and a citizen you get one vote and the chips fall where they may just like the rest of us you self righteous A**.

So sorry that you get upset Steve, but I do understand life must be tough for you with your own knowledge that you are stupid. You should have read the entire gas price thread, there were some very knowledgeable posts explaining all facets of fuel costs, trends and graphs, you might have learned something....then again probably not..... With your poor spelling and grammar it makes sense why you frequent the dictionary often, we all know what your picture is under.

Stay safe sparky and don't get your pony tail caught in a band saw or lathe you stupid libtard loser.


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Wow Doug, it sure looks like we struck a sensitive Liberal nerve with Lefty Steve. He's so flustered he can't even write, spell, or compose intelligible sentences. It almost appears that the Libtard who is referring to us a morons is consulting nca225 to help him write. You'd think he would have spent some of his vast world travel time getting an education. Another failure of "No Child Left Behind"!

I don't really think we had to give Stevie his Lefty label. He's done a very good job of that himself with his own words. I guess it was unfair of me to use what he actually said to prove my point. I've noticed how much our Libtards wish to run away from their own words, and how much it pisses them off to be reminded of what they actually said. But I wonder if anyone besides Lefty Libtard Steve could have seen the alleged connection between his link to the famous picture of Bush under the "Mission Accomplished" banner, and your picture of a gasoline price sign from the day Obama took office... especially after Lefty Steve spent so much time denigrating Bush, and even assigned him to lower Presidential status than either Obama or Carter.

Jim, craigd, ... anyone... did you see that, or are we expected to be able to read the minds of pea-brained idiots? Also, I guess we're all just supposed to forget his other inequities and and Liberally biased words that I pointed out. The "Dance of the Gnomoron" continues!

And gee Doug, how typically hypocritical of Lefty Stevie to admonish you for judging the idiots who voted for our current Socialist-in-Chief, mostly for their own selfish self interests rather than the good of the nation, yet be so judgemental of others himself. Being a Leftist has its' privileges.

Stevie, I know you'll un-ignore me long enough to take a peek at this. You Liberal Left liars always do. Or maybe someone will be kind enough to "Quote" this post so that my words will appear in their post. I'm happy that I was able to do a good enough job of illuminating your Leftist leanings that you had to tuck your tail between your legs and try to hide from me like a coward. I never wanted to argue with you at all. I just wanted you to finally man-up and take ownership of the Liberal bias that comes though virtually all of your Misfires posts, except for those most recent ones that were made in an attempt to cover up who and what you are.

Man-up?... you Stevie?... what was I thinking??? What a complete phony.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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What I did in learn from reading the gas thread was you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that.

Oh and I cut my pony tail off years ago, but then you always are a bit behind the times.

Oh and Doug, I'll stick around and keep pointing out your stupid bias. Like the graph you posted above, starting in 2008. Let's go back a bit further eh? Kid of uncomfortable Doug seeing the numbers for all the recent past? The numbers don't exactly back up your BS now do they?

aftermath of World War II.
Congress Session Years President Party Start debt/GDP End debt/GDP Increase debt
(in Billions of $) Increase debt/GDP
(in percentage points)
77–78 1941–1945 Roosevelt Democrat 50.4% 117.5% +203 +67.1%
79–80 1945–1949 Roosevelt, Truman Democrat 117.5% 93.1% -8 -24.4%
81–82 1949–1953 Truman Democrat 93.1% 71.4% +13 -21.7%
83–84 1953–1957 Eisenhower Republican 71.4% 60.4% +6 -11.0%
85–86 1957–1961 Eisenhower Republican 60.4% 55.2% +20 -5.2%
87–88 1961–1965 Kennedy, Johnson Democrat 55.2% 46.9% +30 -8.3%
89–90 1965–1969 Johnson Democrat 46.9% 38.6% +43 -8.3%
91–92 1969–1973 Nixon Republican 38.6% 35.6% +101 -3.0%
93–94 1973–1977 Nixon, Ford Republican 35.6% 35.8% +177 +0.2%
95–96 1977–1981 Carter Democrat 35.8% 32.5% +288 -3.3%
97–98 1981–1985 Reagan Republican 32.5% 43.8% +823 +11.3%
99–100 1985–1989 Reagan Republican 43.8% 53.1% +1,050 +9.3%
101–102 1989–1993 Bush Sr. Republican 53.1% 66.1% +1,483 +13.0%
103–104 1993–1997 Clinton Democrat 66.1% 65.4% +1,018 -0.7%
105–106 1997–2001 Clinton Democrat 65.4% 56.4% +401 -9.0%
107–108 2001–2005 Bush Republican 56.4% 63.5% +2,135 +7.1%
109–110 2005–2009 Bush Republican 63.5% 84.2% +3,971 +20.7%
111–112 2009–2013 Obama Democrat 84.2% 102.7% +6,061 +18.5%
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Originally Posted By: SKB
What I did in learn from reading the gas thread was you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that.

"... you are full crap Doug. You did not upset me, your damn dumb to that."

WTF kind of retarded writing is that... and what does it mean?

Is this how you write when you are trying to impress someone with your (lack of) intelligence??? Is this guy trying to make nca225 and Jagermeister look bright? nca225 flunked out of college Stevie. Did you even graduate from high school... and if so... how????

It appears that Lefty Stevie's numbers have come from the Left Wing biased Wikipedia. At least it's a bit more intelligible here, and you can see that Stevie's vast travels have not helped him even a little bit:

You can find Lefty Stevie's jumbled numbers in a neat chart if you scroll a little more than half-way down the page in the link.It also shows that Lefty Stevie both continues to demonstrate his Liberal Leftist colors, and that he has scant understanding of the chart he attempted to copy.

Does this idiot even understand that he has helped to make Doug's point? Go to the link and look at the Federal debt and debt as a percentage of GDP at the end of WWII, and then look at how those numbers declined after the massive wartime expenditures stopped.

Contrast that with the debt vs. GDP accrued under Obama in only 5 1/2 years. Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down almost completely, the percentage of debt to GDP has exceeded 100% for the first time since WWII. As Doug has noted, any and all cost savings associated with ending two expensive wars have merely been diverted to Social Welfare programs... and even more debt has been piled on top of all that. No Conservative is happy with the massive amount of debt that was run up by Bush Jr., even though some of it was from expenditures to rebuild a military that was gutted by Clinton. Someone always has to pay for any party.

Debt vs. GDP numbers always increase when taxes are reduced as Republicans tend to do. Obama increased taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, and increased a myriad of fees, yet he still increased debt as a percentage of GDP, massively, even as taxes, and tax receipts have gone up and wartime expenditures have fallen. Obama has managed to run up more debt in 5 1/2 years than the spendthrift Bush did in 8 years. Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for his additions to the National Debt. Yet he's just fine with the huge burdens he is adding to our children... and damages which may be unrepairable.

This dumbass Lefty Stevie really showed you Doug... he showed you, and all of us, just how stupid and how Liberal Left biased he really is.

I hope someone will quote my post so that the Leftist coward can't ignore it like a sissy. Thanks in advance.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: keith
At least it's a bit more intelligible here, and you can see that Stevie's vast travels have not helped him even a little bit:

You can find Lefty Stevie's jumbled numbers in a neat chart if you scroll a little more than half-way down the page in the link.It also shows that Lefty Stevie both continues to demonstrate his Liberal Leftist colors, and that he has scant understanding of the chart he attempted to copy.

Does this idiot even understand that he has helped to make Doug's point? Go to the link and look at the Federal debt and debt as a percentage of GDP at the end of WWII, and then look at how those numbers declined after the massive wartime expenditures stopped.

Contrast that with the debt vs. GDP accrued under Obama in only 5 1/2 years. Although the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have wound down almost completely, the percentage of debt to GDP has exceeded 100% for the first time since WWII. As Doug has noted, any and all cost savings associated with ending two expensive wars have merely been diverted to Social Welfare programs... and even more debt has been piled on top of all that. No Conservative is happy with the massive amount of debt that was run up by Bush Jr., even though some of it was from expenditures to rebuild a military that was gutted by Clinton. Someone always has to pay for any party.

Debt vs. GDP numbers always increase when taxes are reduced as Republicans tend to do. Obama increased taxes by allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire, and increased a myriad of fees, yet he still increased debt as a percentage of GDP, massively, even as taxes, and tax receipts have gone up and wartime expenditures have fallen. Obama has managed to run up more debt in 5 1/2 years than the spendthrift Bush did in 8 years. Obama called Bush "Unpatriotic" for his additions to the National Debt. Yet he's just fine with the huge burdens he is adding to our children... and damages which may be unrepairable.

This dumbass Lefty Stevie really showed you Doug... he showed you, and all of us, just how stupid and how Liberal Left biased he really is.
I hope someone will quote my post so that the Leftist coward can't ignore it like a sissy. Thanks in advance.

Keith, Steve does duplicate some of nca's writing trends, could be a cosmic thing, or the same kind of pot.....?.....LOL

The only time Steve opens his mouth is to change feet. Obviously he did not graduate from high school or any other institution of lower learning, probably too busy traveling.......LOL..... He just cannot connect the dots no matter how hard he tries, a requirement for an Obama voter. Also, lie about who you voted for then defend your vote on a public forum....stupid or what....?.... Like I said, it must be sad for him knowing he is so stupid and trying to cope day to day.....

He's hopeless Keith and he does read your posts, just more gutless libtard fog, as usual ......... Steve is a lost cause of glowing public ignorance.


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