Ahh Doug you do love your very shallow stereotypes don't you? No Comment on seeing your parties spending habits above? The fact the Republicans have been doing a pretty good job themselves of spending.

Enjoy your Sunday with family today. Are any of your wives also your niece? That is the way it is done in Utah right? Heck I bet your good buddies with Warren Jeffs. You ignorant a$$. I learned long ago not to judge a book by its cover. You might try that some time. You just hate someone who confronts your misleading posts in which you try to promote your agenda. Sorry Doug, I'm going to continue sticking it to you. I enjoy watching you make a fool of yourself you mental midget. Comments on the huge increase in the federal budget deficit under both parties? Uncomfortable yet?

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Reagan 11.3% first term and 9.3% second term (gee whiz I thought only Democrats spent to much)

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Bush Sr. 13.0% (damn liberals spending too much)

DECREASE as a percentage of GDP under Clinton first term - 0.7%

DECREASE as a percentage of GDP under Clinton second term - 9.0% ( But I thought the Democrats were the ones driving the deficit up? Hmm kinda makes you think a bit. )

Increase as a percentage of GDP under GWB first term 7.1%

Increase as a percentage of GDP under GWB second term 20.7% (ouch that one really hurt)

Let's not forget Obama

Increase as a percentage of GDP under Obama 18.5%

I contend every administration along the way except Clinton contributed to our Debt problem. This is how we got in the mess we are in with BOTH parties to blame. Awful hard for a Right winger like yourself to except I'm sure.

Booking African hunts, firearms import services

I miss Monkey Jim.