Originally Posted By: SKB
My point Doug, you moron, is that you can not judge a book by its cover. I fully know that many who reside in Utah are not Mormon. The Mormons I have known were very good people. I have zero against Mormons. The whole point of that part of my posts is you can not judge someone by their looks or where they are from. You need to look a bit further. Any comments on the deficit? Too uncomfortable?

So now you tone it back Steve, understanding the stupidity of your previous post and your family attack profile you exhibited.....you are really a piece of work.

If you wish to put forward a meaning on any post, all you have to do is say exactly what you mean at the time of your post....not some liberal changing explanation ten posts later or as you commonly do, from another thread some months in the past......Can you comprehend this paragraph......?

All politicians are guilty of adding to the deficit while trying to satisfy their constituents. The Democrats as a whole have multiplied our National Debt far more than the Republicans since Johnson's liberal Great Society Lie and Carters drastic liberal failures.....RR spent most of his debt load repairing what these previous liberals destroyed, employment, the military, foreign policy, Iran Contra and so forth. You can blame RR in your pea brain, but his intentions were to put Americans back to work, lower the iron curtain, repair the military, retrieve the hostages, improve foreign relations etc., all of which he did.

Bottom line is, if we run a ruler/spread sheet from George Washington to Obama, we find that Obama, your "Magic Negro" hero that you voted for, has compiled a debt greater than all the PREVIOUS PRESIDENTS COMBINED........ALL OF THEM.

My point is and always has been, that anyone with an I.Q. over 40 and the ability to read, would have known the election of your Magic Negro in 2008 would spell disaster for this country in more ways than one. All of these disasters are now on exhibit for anyone to see, even you........ SO WHY IN YOUR INFINITE WISDOM AS A BUSH HATER DID YOU VOTE TO DESTROY YOUR HOMELAND.....?....Uncomfortable, can't explain it, won't explain it, don't give a shit......?...... YOU CAN PLEAD "STUPID" BECAUSE THAT FITS LIKE A GLOVE....!....

Is there any part of the BO debt load that you do not understand.......?.......You probably weren't around during Reagan, Carter, Johnson, JFK era's and don't understand a day to day reflection on what took place. Your liberalism probably stems from your upbringing, but if you had a brain that functions, you would have studied your way out of that ignorance and monkey see - monkey do mentality.
