My goodness you dumb as a post. Why did you not quote me completely before, leaving out this key part
"Ahh Doug you do love your very shallow stereotypes don't you?"

Any fool could see the stereotype I threw at you was an exaggeration to place emphasis on a point. Did you really think I thought you talk to Warren Jeffs? Really? But no, you use selective quotation. Why? My guess is the facts hurt too much.

Reagan did lots of good things. Much of his spending was needed to stimulate our economy at the time. I'm blaming him for nothing. Though I do find your bringing up Iran Contra as a good thing to spend money on does seem telling of your mentality. Just stating the facts that both parties contributed to our current mess. It must really hurt you deep down in side to have to try defend the obscene spending that the Republicans have done in the recent past. I'm so sorry the truth hurts you this badly.
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I miss Monkey Jim.