Originally Posted By: SKB
..... the guy live in California, geez. After all what more do we need to know about someone? That and when the last time the had a hair cut and you have you need to know.

Holy crap, this guy Lefty Stevie is dumber than a box of rocks. This is the writing of a near illiterate. And the cowardly dumbass is so excited about his Wikipedia numbers that it looks like he's pissing himself... even though it's obvious he doesn't even understand them.

Did this retard actually even look at his precious numbers? If he had, and if he looked at the source of the data, he would see that the numbers for Bush Jr. and Obama are skewed because the source for the data is"CBO Historical Budget Page and White House Fiscal Year 2012 Budget." But the chart shows Obama's performance for 2009 to 2013.

We are missing a whole year of data from Obama's first term versus Bush's second term. Adding another year of reckless Obama spending would blow Bush's 20.7% number out of the water. But Stevie is too busy pissing himself in excitement over numbers which he does not understand... and too much of a sissy to admit that he read this. It will be very convenient for him to ignore this and not have to debate me. I think women use that tactic a lot. And alluding to the possibility that Doug was a Mormon polygamist who was breeding with his niece was really low-class. Now he's making excuses for it.

What's even more interesting is that Lefty Stevie, who just a couple days ago was denying who and what he is, and claiming to be a Moderate Independant, has came out of one of his closets and showed us that was all nothing but a lie. What we have here is another hard core supporter of the Party, the Philosophy, and the People who represent the greatest threat to the Second Amendment and the long term future of this country... Liberal Left Democrats. I only wanted you to be up front and honest about that Lefty Stevie. Why did you spend so much time denying it? Why was that asking too much to just admit that you're a flaming New York to Colorado Liberal? What will be your next move... San Francisco? Did you really truly have a girlfriend, or is that just another cover for your true beliefs?

I wouldn't care how talented he is as I gunsmith... I'll be damned if I would spend even a dime to have someone work on my guns who has their head that far up Obama's ass. Just my personal opinion.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.