Originally Posted By: PA24


I supported and voted for Gingrich, the smartest and most experienced IMO, the "old white guy", but the electorate disagreed and picked Romney. The rest is history.

Lot's of conservatives did not vote, because they did not care for Romney and most of that was based on his Mormon faith. In fact it was projected long before he became the nominee.

Well, if that is true, it's a piss poor reason for putting Obama back in for another four years. Romney and Gingrich would have both been better than Obama. I think that if there hadn't been all the sniping at Romney from the right, for whatever reason, he would have won. It's not the left we should be pissed at...it's the right!!

Romney got my vote (if I had one, haha) because unlike everyone else he had a proven track record of success outside politics. Gingrinch was just too much a Washington insider for my liking and there was no one else running. That said, if Gingrich had been the nominee, I would have supported him and voted for him....and that's what enough Republicans did not do for Romney.


The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia