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Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: PA24

"By choosing the right conservative candidate" ISS said, Romney's Mormonism killed his vote and he still came very close. The Republicans have nobody to blame but them selves....


Okay then, who should have the GOP picked? Are you telling me that in an era that elected a black man, that Mormonism killed Romney? Uptight Mass managed to elect him.


I supported and voted for Gingrich, the smartest and most experienced IMO, the "old white guy", but the electorate disagreed and picked Romney. The rest is history.

Lot's of conservatives did not vote, because they did not care for Romney and most of that was based on his Mormon faith. In fact it was projected long before he became the nominee.


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Jim, wouldn't ague that point but that horse left the stable a very long time ago. Regulatory issues are worth looking at and addressing. Johnson's Great Society? We would all love it if we could just go back to where it was when he left office.

Craig, now we are talking!!

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Originally Posted By: PA24


I supported and voted for Gingrich, the smartest and most experienced IMO, the "old white guy", but the electorate disagreed and picked Romney. The rest is history.

Lot's of conservatives did not vote, because they did not care for Romney and most of that was based on his Mormon faith. In fact it was projected long before he became the nominee.

Well, if that is true, it's a piss poor reason for putting Obama back in for another four years. Romney and Gingrich would have both been better than Obama. I think that if there hadn't been all the sniping at Romney from the right, for whatever reason, he would have won. It's not the left we should be pissed's the right!!

Romney got my vote (if I had one, haha) because unlike everyone else he had a proven track record of success outside politics. Gingrinch was just too much a Washington insider for my liking and there was no one else running. That said, if Gingrich had been the nominee, I would have supported him and voted for him....and that's what enough Republicans did not do for Romney.


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to me, the gist of this current discussion isn't about accommodation, or acceptance, or political purity and either strict or moderate adherance to a set of beliefs. It has turned into a discussion about basic honesty, and the lies and hypocrisy of the Left.

Lefty Stevie tried yet again, several pages back, to paint himself as an Independant Centrist. We called him out on it because it had became apparent that he only stuck his neck out to espouse and support Liberal Left ideas and principals.

Lefty Stevie then once again went into full denial mode. But as he became more inflamed and enraged, he finally and totally revealed that he is just another disingenuous lying Leftist. He is still lecturing Doug about name calling... even after engaging in his own name calling within the same paragraph. Isn't this typical? He has several times denigrated Doug because of his age, apparently assuming he is a decrepit old dinosaur because he is now retired. But I'd bet the sissy would not even think of stepping into a dark alley with Doug, especially after alluding to the possibility that Doug would enter into an incestuous relationship with his niece.

Lefty Stevie predictably became totally pissed at me after I referenced his own words by post numbers to illustrate his lying two-faced character... or should I say, lack of character. He won't even engage me anymore. Sound familiar? Maybe something like King Brown saying that he would ignore me because I "put words in his mouth" after I had quoted him verbatim. But we all know King does not ignore me. He answers in the third person, still hurling insults after he preaches about "civility. That behavior, along with dancing away from what they say and do, has become quite predictable. It is the behavior of cowards and dishonest people. I don't care to play nice with people like that, and there is nothing to be gained from it. Nothing.

You're right James, we agree on most things. Where we diverge is when you keep insisting that we can deal fairly with Liars and Hypocrites. All attempts at moderation and compromise by Conservative Republicans with Liberal Democrats only results in more attrition for the Conservatives. Just look at how Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.s attempts to appease the Democrat Liberals worked out for them and for us. Bush Sr. had his "No New Taxes" pledge stuffed up his rectum after he compromised. Bush Jr.s' huge expenditures to help Medicare and seniors with a Prescription Drug Plan is crammed down our throats as proof that he was a worse spendthrift than many Democrats. He ceded to pressure from Senate Democrats to permit the continuance of the loose mortgage lending standards enacted by Democrats which led to the Great Recession... and is blamed for all that. He was pilloried by the Unions and Democrats after he got tariffs put on foreign countries that were dumping steel products... fulfilling a campaign promise..after Clinton's Commerce Dept. did nothing but study the problem for 8 years. They do not deal with us. They do not compromise their insane principals and path to failure for our nation. And they constantly lie about it, and find ways to blame Republicans for their failures. And like Lefty Stevie, they play fast and loose with the facts and figures to turn facts into fantasy that their base will swallow hook line and sinker.

I have asked you to show us even one Liberal that any of us has won over. There are none. There will be none. It's a waste of time to try. They can't even be honest with themselves, and are typically in denial of what they are, who they vote for, and what they stand for. Better to expend the energy exposing their lies and bankrupt two-faced cowardly character, and showing others that compromising or trying to civilly engage them will only result in sliding further down the Libtard Slope. I haven't even yet been able to change your opinion of this... but I think you are worth working on.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Keith, you are confused about my point. I am NOT talking about accommodation with Democrats or the Left. Read my posts again. Perhaps you are so busy making another point, you are missing mine? smile

I AM talking about the right stopping the internal bickering and getting behind the nominee, regardless of whether he/she is "your" guy or not.

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Originally Posted By: keith

Better to expend the energy exposing their lies and bankrupt two-faced cowardly character, and showing others that compromising or trying to civilly engage them will only result in sliding further down the Libtard Slope. I haven't even yet been able to change your opinion of this... but I think you are worth working on.

I think we would do better to expend our energy getting Republicans to vote for the Republican nominee. In addition to being right, we would also have the Presidency.

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Originally Posted By: canvasback

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith

What occurs to me is that to do that, you need a President other than Obama, you need senior politicians, those that drive the agenda, other than Reid, Pelosi, Clinton et al. You need the Republican Party AT FULL STRENGTH.

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.

James, this is what prompted my post... especially the sentence, "Is it by belittling everyone who isn't of pure thought?"

I agree completely that we Conservatives did not do enough to energize the base and get out the vote, which allowed Obama to slip back in with less votes than the Republican had in 2008. Multiple Republican candidates brutalized each other throughout a long primary battle, and the Liberal Press trumpeted every difference while basically canonizing one candidate and refusing to properly vet his many deficiencies. The same is likely to happen again in 2016 where Hillary has already been essentially crowned, and even the incumbent VP has no chance of moving up to the top spot. Meanwhile, at least a half dozen Republicans are already entering the fray. And none is another Ronald Reagan reincarnate. I agree with Doug that a lot of folks couldn't be bothered to support a Mormon businessman, and they allowed an inept Muslim Community Organizer to slide back in to do second term damage. But the misrepresentation of his 47% comment by the Press and the DNC, along with his reluctance to go for the throat about Benghazi in the third debate likely sealed his fate. He had the momentum and blew a late fourth quarter lead. The number of Republicans who stayed home is especially important when you need sheer numbers to overcome massive vote fraud!

We have our work cut out for us, both in 2014 and 2016. Millions of Democrat Sheeple will follow the Leftist Media and the DNC, marching in lockstep past the ruins of a once great nation, to again pull the lever... multiple times if they can get away with it... for even more Liberal Left Anti-Gun Socialists. So-called gun guys like SKB will be right there with them!

This is why I spend so much time here and at home and work exhorting folks who say they see our nation going in the wrong direction to get off their ass and vote... join NRA... get involved... call, write, and e-mail legislators, etc. My neighbor is a staunch gun toting Conservative. But I got a post card sent to him from the County Board of Elections, inadvertantly put in my mailbox, that showed he had not been an active voter for the last 4 Presidential Elections. Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. And I still say that playing nice with Libtards is one of those times!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: canvasback

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible.


You asked this question "first and foremost" then added some of your thoughts behind this.......Keith and I both answered this question with our then said we didn't answer your question.........?.......?

If the Republicans have a strong nominee he will blow the Democrats out of the water, plain and simple....Too many nominees running has been a problem, with NO clear front runners for the last two elections. McCain was a Joke and Romney had hand cuffs on.......Romney could not debate unless it was polite, just his nature.....a candidate who was strong and at times forceful would have buried the Magic Negro.

I blame the Republicans for putting up someone too "polite"....but I voted for Romney in the General Election, smart man.


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Originally Posted By: SKB
It was my understanding that the rules regarding bundling came after Clinton, I may well be wrong on that point. I need to look that up. Either way, we are pretty much in agreement.

Wrong again Lefty...

"After the last Depression, Congress enacted a law, Glass-Steagall, which forbid banks, insurance companies, and investment houses to be in the same institution, to deter reckless speculation with depositors' money, which was seen as a major contributor to the stock market instability of the time. Then in 1999, at the height of the "Deregulation" craze, Citigroup and Travelers merged, a clear violation of Glass-Steagall. But rather than enforce the law, Congress repealed the prohibitions of Glass-Steagall with the passage of the 1999 Financial Services Act.

That opened the floodgates for runaway financial speculation. Wall Street knew that if they made money they would be allowed to keep it, but if their investments lost money, the US Government would step in to transfer the losses to the American people, because that is what had been demonstrated during the S&L debacle of the 1980s."

That's what led to the creation of Mortgage Backed Securities and "sub-prime" mortgages being bundled into securities which were foisted onto the market.

Uh, I think it was your boy Clinton that was in power in 1999. He signed the bill repealing provisions of Glass-Steagall. It was "The Financial Services Act of 1999". Oh, and the massive outsourcing of jobs that led to millions being unable to pay their mortgages started with Bill Clinton signing NAFTA... the atomic bombed dropped on the working class who foolishly elected him. Bill Clinton's selling out the middle class is what turned "risky" mortgages into foreclosures. Democrats own the biggest financial meltdown since the Great Depression. Dumbass Democrats still think he was great. Even more stupid are Democrat gun owners who saw him constantly whittling away their Constitutional Rights and went on to vote for more anti-gun Liberal Democrats. But you can claim you never saw this because you are too cowardly to respond to me. I however, can still show everyone else what a lying disingenuous two-faced ass you are.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

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Originally Posted By: italiansxs
The botton and tacit line I might add, is Romney didn't get elected President because many potential voters choose not to vote than to vote for a Mormon.
I live in the most populous Mormon State,yes we have more than Utah, an I've been around Mormons for many years. I think these non-voters "concern" inregard to Romney was hogwash.

I guess its just me but I completely missed that Romney being Mormon would be something of a problem for Republicans. I can see it with the anti religion crowd over on the left....

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