Originally Posted By: mc
well, i know Steve and you are incorrect. and i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult.i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced.i have a question,why do you guy's go to the intelligence or lack of intelligence insults in this discussion.prove your point if you can and move on.my name is Mark Cooper and i'm an engraver, gunsmith. you can look me up.we need every voter to end this downward spiral of our nation.

Lefty Stevie's posts just within this single thread has him swaying back and forth between moderate and far left. The ones that show some small support for Conservatism, I think, are nothing but a put on. Virtually all of his previous Misfires posts have demonstrated a strong and unmistakable Liberal bias. There was nothing any of us could have said or shown him that would have made him vote for anyone other than the Anti-Gun Socialist Community Organizer Obama. No-one who voted for either of Obama's challengers would ever pop up so frequently to support the Liberal view. We're not stupid... even though it was your good buddy who first hurled the "moron" word at me in his post number 374903, and called Doug a pompous and self righteous ass in the same post.

Glad you're on the Conservative side Mark, and glad that you can see the incredible damage that the current administration is doing. I hope you can convince a lot of like minded moderates and conservative to go to the polls in November to try some damage control until 2016. But I think you'd be wasting your breath on your disingenuous little buddy. I, for one, don't waste my time trying to convert or convince Libtards. But I enjoy proving them wrong, and I especially enjoy outing the ones who pretend to be something they're not.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.