Originally Posted By: mc
well, i know Steve and you are incorrect. and i think our Canadian friend is correct in that to win an election we need all the votes we can get that includes moderates,in the Romney election the southern baptist voters stayed away in droves.i think a lot of them consider Morman a cult.i voted for Romney i thought he was the right guy with the right background for the problems the country faced. i have a question,why do you guy's go to the intelligence or lack of intelligence insults in this discussion.prove your point if you can and move on.my name is Mark Cooper and i'm an engraver, gunsmith. you can look me up.we need every voter to end this downward spiral of our nation.


You answer your own question regarding your libtard buddy SKB. If you are his friend and you have some influence with him and you wish to transform liberal voters to conservative voters, I would think you would have started with libtard SKB back in 2007...?......It would NOT have been successful, but did you try.....?...... SKB and others like him ARE the reason we are in "THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL" that you mention. You just can't fix stupid Mark, no matter how hard you try.

Anybody who voted for the "Magic Negro" in either election DOES have a lack of intelligence, any way you cut it Mark....What is happening now to this country was forecast with the election of the Magic Negro and has now come home to roost. With just a little homework anybody with an active brain and some intelligence would have seen this coming, all of it......and indeed the intelligent people did. Hating Bush is not an excuse to do a 180 in the voting booth and besides only a "libtard" truly hated Bush.

The minorities were a given and always, as a majority, march lock step with the Democrats and having a black candidate really had their attention...... Besides all the voter fraud, it was the white libtards who thought it would "be nice" to have a black president, or hated Bush, or wanted more free stuff and those folks pushed the "Magic Negro" over the top. These people can now view first hand the downward spiral they helped to create.

Only when the libtard public suffers enough financially (only the ones that do work) will they change their vote as history proves, and this has nothing to do with what we say or post on this "one of many million" BBS's........AND YES, VOTING FOR AN INEXPERIENCED PERSON FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS IGNORANT......Ignorance is a sad thing Mark, but it has been with us since day one.
