Originally Posted By: mc
i am going to take steve at his word that he is going to vote a straight G.O.P. ticket i'll never convince anyone here so i wont try i don't shit on friends. the end

Hey, you've got me convinced! And I am going to believe that OJ Simpson did not kill Nicole... that Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky... that you can keep your Doctor and your Health Care plan under ObamaCare...

And more than anything, I am going to take King Brown's oft stated word that he never voted for a Liberal...

Oh, wait a minute, he said he never voted "Liberal". That's different because Liberals go by numerous names in Canadian Political parties. They differ somewhat, ranging from far left Socialist anti-gun loons to complete anti-gun Libtard wackos. It helps to have those deceptive qualifiers. I'd still like to know the Miqmak words for, "Him speak with forked tongue."

I think it was Shakespeare who said that "A Liberal Rose by another name would still smell like rotten fish."

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.