Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness....

....I noticed it first among the heads of large successful corporations. They had surpassing social skills....

....Crazy as it sounds, it seems manners are arguably as important as brains....

....Ostensible niceness pays in politics, too.

Being a one issue extremist, wink, I may have mentioned a time or two about words that're selected for intentional vagueness. You may recall, though out of my forte, civility may be questioned at times because it assumes the brain must be disengaged.

Would you feel, not think, that bo-pelosi-reid is a 'nice' trinity. Ahh, must be because it pays so well. Big corp and nice in the same thought, maybe corporate welfare has a half nice ring to it. Hey, is this a trick, are you saying the facts of issues don't matter.

Hey, I think you missed a point in Jm's niceness comment, he said 'ha, ha'. I take it to mean, we're all in this together, let's get 'er done.