Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness and callousness in families, the work place---and countries.

I noticed it first among the heads of large successful corporations. They had surpassing social skills, getting people working harmoniously and productively together, while the really smart guys were in the lower echelons.

Crazy as it sounds, it seems manners are arguably as important as brains. Foul language, sharp dealing, lack of fairness and integrity, do not attract respect for all one's technical adroitness. Ostensible niceness pays in politics, too.

The greatest threat to "putting groceries on the table" for most of us here King is Libtard idiots like you who propagate the expansion of Socialism and the Welfare State. You have lied and inflated your resume in order to try to sell your "solutions" which have a proven history of failure. Knowing this, you continue to go down the same path, and push for the same destructive solutions. This should make anyone question your actual motives. You are very proud of the ways in which Canada has surpassed the U.S. Do you really want us to do better, or are you happy to see us fail? I suspect the latter. You certainly are no friend to gun owners here in the U.S.

Actions speak louder than your empty words King. Lies are not nice, and dishonesty is not civility. Cut the crap and go work on gun rights in your own country... something you have never done. It is the "solutions" of Socialist Libtards like yourself that has made the U.S. slide downhill as a nation. We don't want your help. People like you created our biggest messes. Go away. You are not our friend.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.