1917 East St. Louis Riot July, 1917, East Saint Louis, IL, USA.

[2] 1919 Chicago Race Riot 27 July-2 August 1919 Chicago, IL, USA. An African American teenager, Eugene Williams, who was swimming in Lake Michigan drifted near a beach that whites considered their own. A white man on a breakwater assailed the black youth with stones and the black youth drowned. The white Chicago police officers who investigated the incident refused to arrest the assailant who thrown the stone at the black youth. The tension escalated into riots between blacks and whites. The Governor of Illinois, Frank Lowden, called in the Illinois National Guard to quell the unrest, but at least 38 people were killed and 500 injured over a period of seven days.

[3] 1921 Tulsa Race Riots 31 May-1 June 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.

[4] 1935 Harlem Riot 19 March 1935, New York City, USA

[5] 1958 Notting Hill race riots late August and early September 1958, London, UK

[6] Rochester 1964 race riot 24–26 July 1964

[7] Cypriot intercommunal violence 1963-1964. Major riots in the cities of Nicosia, Famagusta and Larnaca led to the division of Cyprus, and its two communities, the Turkish and Greek Cypriots.

[8] Harlem Riot of 1964 16-22 July 1964, New York City, New York, provoked by the NYPDs shooting of black teenager James Powell.

[9]Philadelphia 1964 race riot 28–30 August 1964, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Allegations of police brutality sparked the Columbia Avenue race riots.

[10] Watts Riots 11 August 1965, Los Angeles, California, USA, The McCone Commission investigated the riots finding that causes included poverty, inequality, racial discrimination and the passage, in November 1964, of Proposition 14 on the California ballot overturning the Rumford Fair Housing Act, which established equality of opportunity for black home buyers.

[11] Hough Riots 18 July 1966, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, The underlying causes of the riots may found in the social conditions that exist in the ghettos of Cleveland.

[12] Racial tension in Omaha, Nebraska 5 July 1966, North Omaha, Nebraska, USA, More than 500 black youth gathered to protest the absence of recreation programs and jobs storm a local business district, throwing rocks and bricks at Jewish-owned businesses in the area. The National Guard is called in after three days of random violence and organized raids.

[13] 1967 Newark riots 12 July 1967, Newark, New Jersey, USA, Factors that contributed to the Newark Riot: police brutality, political exclusion of blacks from city government, urban renewal, inadequate housing, unemployment, poverty, and rapid change in the racial composition of neighborhoods.

[14] 1967 Plainfield riots 14 July 1967, Plainfield, New Jersey, USA 12th Street riot 23 July 1967, Detroit, Michigan, USA, The origins of urban unrest in Detroit were rooted in a multitude of political, economic, and social factors including police abuse, lack of affordable housing, urban renewal projects, economic inequality, black militancy, and rapid demographic change.

[15] Minneapolis-Saint Paul USA, Fall 1967. Racial tensions boil over in North Minneapolis as whites continue to leave the decaying core of the inner city bound for the suburbs.

[16]1968 Chicago, Illinois riots 4 April 1968 Violence erupted in Chicago's black ghetto on the west side, eventually consuming a 28-block stretch of West Madison Street. Looting and arson took place primarily in the corridor between Roosevelt Road on the south and Chicago Avenue on the north.

[17]1968 Washington, D.C. riots 4 April 1968, Washington, D.C., USA, A report from National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders identified discrimination and poverty as the root causes of the riots that erupted in cities around the nation during the late 1960s and in Washington, DC in April 1968

[18] Baltimore riot of 1968 4 April 1968, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Glenville Shootout 23 July 1968, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, Shootout between black militant organization led by Ahmed Evans and Cleveland Police Department attracted large and hostile black crowds that caused a four-day riot Stonewall riots June 1969, New York City, New York.

[19]1969 North 24th Street Riots 24 June 1969, North Omaha, Nebraska USA, An Omaha police officer fatally shoots a teenager in the back of the head during a gathering of youth in local public housing projects. Many youth and adults from the local African American community gather in the local business district, routinely burning and otherwise destroying non-Black-owned businesses.

[20] 1970s 1976 Soweto Riots, Johannesburg, South Africa 1976: The Soweto Riots : Massive reaction to education laws under apartheid, bloodily suppressed

[21] New York City blackout of 1977 13 July 1977, New York City, USA, That massive blackout was viewed by some as one symptom of the city's decline. Riots and looting.

[22] 1979 Southall Riot (Blair Peach) 23 April 1979, London, England

[23]1980s 1980 St. Pauls riot 2 April 1980, Bristol, England

[24]Arthur McDuffie 8 May 1980, Miami, Florida, USA, black outrage at "a double standard of justice"

[25] 1981 Brixton riot 11 April 1981, London, England

[26-29] 1981 Toxteth riots 5 July 1981, Liverpool, England 1981 University of Puerto Rico/Rio Piedras Riots 1981, Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico 1981 Chapeltown race riot 1981, Leeds, England 1980s Handsworth race riots 10 July 1981, Birmingham, England

[30-32] 1985 Brixton riot 28 September 1985, Brixton, London, England 1985 Broadwater Farm Riot 6 October 1985, Tottenham, London, England 1985 Toxteth riots 1 October 1985, Liverpool, England 1985 Peckham riots 1 October 1985, London, England, A report by Lord Scarman acknowledged much of the widespread unrest had its roots in social and economic deprivation and in racial discrimination.

[33-34] 1990s 1991 Washington, D.C. riot 5–7 May 1991, Washington, DC Crown Heights Riot 19 August 1991, New York City, USA

[35-39]Meadow Well Riots 9 September 1991, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

1992 Los Angeles riots 29 April 1992, Los Angeles, California, USA

Riot of Rostock-Lichtenhagen 22–24 August 1992, Rostock, Germany Brixton riot (1995)

13 December 1995, London, England, Alex Owolade, chairman of the anti-racist group Movement for Justice, said the violence was a rebellion against years of "racist injustice" by police in an impoverished area plagued by racial tension.

[40] Jakarta riots of May 1998 May 1998, Indonesia, triggered by economic decline; problems were both urban and rural

[41] 2001 Cincinnati riots 10 April 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio, US, An Enquirer reporter, Kristina Goetz, reported that the lack of progress on perennial inner-city problems such as inadequate child and health care, failing schools, and low rates of minority home ownership was a contributing factor.

[42] Oldham Riots 26 May 2001, Greater Manchester, England

[43]Benton Harbor riots 16 June 2003, Benton Harbor, Michigan

[44]2004 Redfern riots 14 February 2004, Sydney, Australia 2005 Macquarie Fields riots 25 February 2005, Sydney, Australia, There is an open debate about the cause of this riot. One side cites economic factors and racism.

[45] 2005 Toledo Riot 15 October 2005, Toledo, Ohio, USA, Residents at forum named poverty, above other causes, as the kindling for the riot.

[46] 2005 Birmingham riots 22 October 2005, Birmingham, England, Many white and more affluent African-Caribbean residents have moved out of Birmingham, signaling a rapid change in the racial composition of neighborhoods.

[47-51] 2005 civil unrest in France 2005 Paris, France 2005 Cronulla riots 2005 Sydney, Australia 2006 Dublin riots February 2006, Dublin, Ireland 2006 protests in Hungary September–October 2006, Budapest, Hungary 2008 Greek riots December 2008, Athens and other major cities of Greece.

[52] 2010 Kyrgyzstani uprising April–May 2010, Bishkek and other cities in Kyrgyzstan. May 2010 Greek protests May 2010, Throughout Greece to protest public spending cuts.

[53] 2011 Stanley Cup riot 15 June 2011, Vancouver.

[54] 2011 England riots From 6 August 2011, initially in Tottenham, London, later in many other parts of London and some other major English cities.

[55]2014 Hrushevskoho Street riots From 23 February 2014, initially in Hrushevskoho Street, Kiev, Ukraine, 12 anti-protest laws were repealed and Prime Minister Mykola Azarov tendered his resignation and a bill offering amnesty to arrested and charged protesters was issued.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's a generalization to say so, Craig and open to all sorts of opinions but from my experience "niceness" puts groceries on the table. Good manners trumps meanness and callousness in families, the work place---and countries.

Lot's of riots, the majority were race motivated where large numbers of Blacks reside and turned to looting, violence and major property damage. Those that were not race motivated usually did not end in looting and death.

Niceness didn't work in Ferguson Missouri for the last 150 years anyway King,.....the county there has been pandering to negro's since the civil war....and nothing has changed in Ferguson King, it's still a ghetto town with a majority of negro's who don't work and they resort to violence while trying to make a point..........and after midnight at that, while everywhere else WORKING MEN AND WOMEN ARE SLEEPING............Please explain "niceness" to those people....and then spread your speech to New Orleans, Houston, Detroit, Chicago, Toronto, Paris, London, JoBurg etc., etc., and etc.....

King, since those families in Ferguson are mean and callous, why don't you go down there and help out......don't libs go help when the fire is turned up....or do you just talk...?....All you liberal types could probably get a free bus ride to Ferguson....?....

Sure is funny that this same scenario plays out repeatedly in almost every large city on the planet.........same exact scenario.....starts with their own commission of a crime or crimes......and it always escalates into LOOTING AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, VIOLENCE AND FINGER POINTING WITHOUT THE FACTS.............It's all b.s. King.........
