It would seem the blacks are a fraternal organization as well, and one that responds to these infrequent events in a very predictable manner which almost always ignores the rule of law, due process, and the Constitutional presumption of innocence until proven guilty. In other words, a criminal mob mentality that frequently turns very ugly. I guess you, Ryan, ed, Jagermeister, and King, think an appropriate response would be kind words and a tennis racquet, when we are dealing with what is essentially an insurgency in our cities.

Eric Holder spoke today of the mistrust many blacks have for police, but he never acknowledges that the reverse could be true when cops become accustomed to seeing such a high percentage of one coddled minority engaged in violent criminal behavior. They have embraced the gansta' culture and then act surprised and shocked that people and the police react accordingly. I'd bet police would not feel compelled to arm themselves with riot gear and armored vehicles if they were only dealing with jaywalkers. I think they excercised too much restraint in this mass rioting, vigilantism and self enrichment via theft. And when you act like a Libtard idiotic, you shouldn't be surprised that someone here takes notice. Politically correct isn't my cup of tea.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.