Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Members of your persuasion, however, do not acknowledge that blacks have had desperate problems which white Americans have not had to face....

....For centuries until some 50 years ago, blacks couldn't be first of all a human being. They were America's beasts of burden, denied every element of citizenship despite pious constitutional guarantees....

....Laws modify behaviour but their purposes can only be achieved when they penetrate our hearts.

While seeming civil, doesn't 'members of your persuasion' sound a bit racist. Are we using words that unite and overcome, or settling into the comfort of the tactics of our ideology.

Seems about fifty years ago we turned a corner. In 1961, MLK, remember him, said blacks accounted for about ten percent of the population in the St Louis area but committed some 58% of the crime. Why is progress inevitable, but excused for libs when pc topics come up at wine tastings. Your glorious protest struggles in ferguson required out of state hired help. You suppose the GOOD folks of ferguson would appreciate life in a crime free zone rather than a white free zone. Anyone ever just ask them.

If we've learned anything from recent events, it may be that laws are for the delusional right. Possibly you meant 'regulations modify behavior because they penetrate liberties'. I think there's a good book out on the topic.