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craigd #376285 08/26/14 11:11 AM
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It's not racism but commending good when we see it to mention positively legislative changes for greater equality and choice of Obama as expressions of the will of the American people.

I also recognize that the American desire and need to get the past its history may have contributed as much as "hope and change" to electing him. "There, we've done it, it's over, let's hear no more of it."

Misfires often reflects the get-past-the-guilt and victimhood of the racial divide. Laws modify behaviour but strong emotions and interaction between blacks and police still capture international attention.

Policy achievements have been significant. Cutting military adventures from the US playbook validating the US public wish to get out of there and bring our soldiers home is only part of it. He ran on and introduced universal healthcare.

More importantly kept US powder dry by cautiously not making things worse overseas: forced Iraq to face its sectarian divide, secured the Kurds, now talking to Iran after bringing it out of the cold, and ended US regional image as Public Enemy No. 1.

For the first time, the US is confronted by the best possible enemy: the unwanted-by-anyone barbaric Islamic State, opposed and resented by subjected populations who won't turn back the clock a thousand years.

Obama now is saying to allies: Listen this mess is not of my making. Get your act together and we can take the barbarians out, providing world leadership but no longer dummy paying whole price in lives and treasure.

Makes sense to me.

King Brown #376290 08/26/14 11:56 AM
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"Certainly, no recent president has failed on so many fronts — honesty, transparency, truthfulness, the economy, foreign policy, the duties of the commander-in-chief, executive responsibilities, and spiritual leadership"
"The Madness of 2008"

We are now shocked at the current spate of alphabetic scandals — IRS, AP, NSA, VA. But why are we surprised, given that Obama never told the truth about his relationships with the old terrorist Bill Ayers and former PLO ad hoc spokesman Rashid Khalidi, or about the creepy land deal with the crook Tony Rezko? If the Obama White House demonized the Tea Party as tea-baggers, or compared the Republican House opposition to terrorists and arsonists, why should we be astonished, given how he was elected to the U.S. Senate? Quite mysteriously, his primary opponent, Blair Hull, and his general-election opponent, Jack Ryan, both of whom were favored to win, had their confidential divorce records leaked. Their campaigns subsequently imploded.

Obama certainly did not campaign on a new health-care plan that would force Americans to give up the doctors they liked and their existing coverage, while raising premiums and deductibles, while giving exemptions for insiders and cronies, and while raising the deficit.

Nor did we hear on the campaign trail that Obama would push gay marriage, open borders, near-permanent zero interest rates, six consecutive $1 trillion deficits, and record food-stamp and Social Security disability payouts. He criticized Bush for relatively minor executive orders, suggesting that he would never rule by fiat — as he since has done in matters of Obamacare, immigration law, and environmental regulations. Remember the promise of ending the revolving door and stopping aides from cashing in — and then follow the post-administration careers of Obama’s closest advisers.

Obama promised to halve the deficit — not run up more red ink than almost all prior presidents combined. Indeed, he once as a senator voted against raising the debt limit and blasted Bush for borrowing from China.

Critics are angry that Obama seems disengaged, or that as a man of the people he is inordinately obsessed with golf, a sport that the Left used to despise as a fixation of the rich in their lime-green pants and bright pink polo shirts. But again, can we point to any landmark legislation that Obama accomplished as a state legislator or U.S. senator? Was not Obama golfing during the 2008 campaign?

Then there is the matter of the presidential untruths. The problem is not just that Barack Obama says things that are untrue but that he lies about what Barack Obama has said. He brags that he set red lines, but then he says it was the U.N. had set red lines. He boasts of pulling out every U.S. soldier from Iraq but then alleges that President Bush, the Iraqis, or Maliki did that. He claims that ISIS are Jayvees but then claims they are serious. But his prevarication too is habitual and was known in 2008 when it was discovered that he had simply misled the nation about his relationships with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He had no desire, in the transparent manner of John Kerry, Al Gore, John McCain, or George W. Bush, to release his medical records or college transcripts. If Americans find their president ill-informed, there was no record that he was informed in 2008. His gaffes were far more frequent than those of Sarah Palin, who knew there were 50 states.

Last edited by Dave K; 08/26/14 11:57 AM.

Hillary For Prison 2018
ed good #376294 08/26/14 12:45 PM
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Geez Dave, that article pretty much counters almost everything the dillusional King Brown has said.

It did miss the fact that interactions between blacks and the police merely reflect the fact that so many young black males are engaged in criminal behavior... do the crime... do the time. Obey the law and the law, and lawmen will respect you.

And you have already reminded the dillusional King Brown on many occassions that this "Universal Healthcare" is far from universal in that there are still over 35 million uninsured and most who have moved to ObamaCare were forced to do so when their employers terminated their existing plans. And those pesky costs have continued to increase... making the poor even poorer, and hurting many who were on the edge of poor.

The fact that King can look at the mess that Obama has made worse in the Middle East, and claim a victory... well, only a pathological liar could say that with a straight face. The collapse of Iraq, along with the total loss of all that blood and treasure, and the re-emergence of Islamic militants... that was all predicted by the Pentagon and common folks alike.

Repeating the same lies and dillusional thinking over and over won't cut it King. We're all on to you.

There. I said it again. But I'll bet the liar will be back repeating the same old bullshit within 48 hours.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

ed good #376295 08/26/14 12:48 PM
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Unfortunately IMO you're wasting your time pointing the truth out to a Libtard.
It's the same with the racists in Mo. First they want to convict that officer and hang him then figure out if he really was at fault.
Holder's there on site? Of course this isn't racist! B.S.
Obama had 3 of his flunkie's attend the alleged robbers funeral. He sent NO ONE to Margaret Thatcher's funeral.
The Libtard Commincrats have done more in the last 5 years to inflame racism then the Ku Klux Klan ever was able to accomplish.

Last edited by italiansxs; 08/26/14 12:50 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.
King Brown #376296 08/26/14 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted By: King Brown
It's not racism but commending good when we see it to mention positively legislative changes for greater equality and choice of Obama as expressions of the will of the American people....

....Misfires often reflects the get-past-the-guilt and victimhood of the racial divide. Laws modify behaviour but strong emotions and interaction between blacks and police still capture international attention....

....For the first time, the US is confronted by the best possible enemy: the unwanted-by-anyone barbaric Islamic State, opposed and resented by subjected populations who won't turn back the clock a thousand years.

Obama now is saying to allies: Listen this mess is not of my making. Get your act together and we can take the barbarians out, providing world leadership but no longer dummy paying whole price in lives and treasure.

Makes sense to me.

'Positive legislative changes', I thought the book says the US is broken and there's no legislating anymore. Or, did you mean bo and reid decide over lunch that all legislation coming out of the house, dies on reid's desk and bo blames the R's.

Seems to me, many misfire issues are about policy not plays on guilt. Regulations modify behavior, laws are for breaking and selective ideological enforcement.

Hmmm, the perfect enemy and the coalition builder. Now the people have the stomach for more war. I suppose we'll see about both points. Last week the arab emerates had military incursions into libya, not a peep. This week syria says to the US, you better not even think about it unless you get our permission.

Maybe all the press about syrian surveillance is just to test which way the wind is blowing with our 'friends' and public opinion. Yup, the measured authoritative leader defusing hot spots. Why are there new cautions coming out about isis related home grown terror risks.

James M #376297 08/26/14 12:57 PM
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Originally Posted By: italiansxs
....Obama had 3 of his flunkie's attend the alleged robbers funeral. He sent NO ONE to Margaret Thatcher's funeral....

The c-in-chief might have also took a bit of time out for his fallen two star General Greene. He is spending Friday on the fund raiser trail though.

Dave K #376299 08/26/14 01:11 PM
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Dave, is this the same National Review that praised Buckley's history of an all-powerful presidency and regulatory state unintended by the founding fathers, which you and other tea partiers deny and call liberal lies?

"The best recent description of [the modern presidency]… A very important contribution."
—National Review

ed good #376303 08/26/14 01:56 PM
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Oh, see Dave... The Burger King is again trying to twist the truth. No one said or denied that there is a problem with the regulatory state or abuse of presidential powers. What we have said is that it is Liberal Left Democrats who are the biggest abusers. It is Liberal Left Democrats like Obama who have used Executive Orders and Regulatory Agencies like the EPA to accomplish that which they could never get past Congress.

We are not saying that what Buckley has written is "liberal lies" King. We are saying that the LULLING conclusions you are attempting to spread here are LIBERAL LIES. What else would we expect from a compulsive and pathological Liberal Liar like you?

King will keep sticking his reviews of his precious book by Buckley in our faces, but he will never agree with the conclusions from the self-same National Review which you quoted above Dave. How can you debate a liar? You simply can't. All you can do is keep exposing his lies.

Lies + Hypocrisy = Liberal Rocket Fuel

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.

ed good #376304 08/26/14 01:57 PM
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from the same article

"On little evidence, Christopher Buckley assured us that Obama possessed “a first-class temperament and a first-class intellect.” For some, proof of Obama’s godhead became almost physical — a “perfectly creased pant” for David Brooks, a tingling leg for Chris Matthews"

Given that there was no evidence from Obama’s legislative career to justify such superlatives, we can only assume that our intellectual elites got caught up in the faux Greek columns, the Obama tutorials for fainting crowds about proper first aid, the teleprompted emphatics of “Let me be perfectly clear” and “Make no mistake about it,” the Latinate motto “Vero possumus” on the faux presidential seal on his campaign podiums, the boast that Obama & Co. were “the ones we’ve been waiting for,” the messianic promise to cool the planet and lower the seas, the Lincoln self-comparisons, and the other embarrassing childish banalities.

Obama, it is true, ran a brilliant campaign in 2008, hinting to the Other that as a non-white he shared both their racial bona fides and their frustrations, hinting to white elites that his own unique heritage would end racial hostilities and thus allow them to square the circle of living largely separate elite lives and not having to feel guilty about it. He dropped his g’s and went into Southern cadences among African Americans, and then back again into wonkish academese to mainstream whites. It was well known that in impromptu talks he stuttered and stumbled with uh’s in deer-in-the-headlights fashion, and used the pronouns I, me, my, and mine ad nauseam, but such unease was ignored given his teleprompted eloquence and the considerable elite investment in his symbolism.

In sum, in 2008 Obama gave America more than enough evidence to doubt that he was ready for the presidency, but when a nation becomes unhinged by trivialities like “hope and change,” there is not much one can do — until the patient wakes up from his trance and in embarrassment asks, “What exactly was all that nuttiness in 2008 about?”

We will be fathoming that strange madness of 2008 for decades to come

Hillary For Prison 2018
craigd #376305 08/26/14 02:03 PM
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Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: italiansxs
....Obama had 3 of his flunkie's attend the alleged robbers funeral. He sent NO ONE to Margaret Thatcher's funeral....

The c-in-chief might have also took a bit of time out for his fallen two star General Greene. He is spending Friday on the fund raiser trail though.

And these 6 !

6 Funerals Obama Cared Less About Than Michael Brown

Here are six people whose funerals the Obama administration took less seriously than Brown’s.

Margaret Thatcher. No senior White House officials were sent to the funeral of our staunchest Cold War ally, former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Instead, President Obama sent the charge d’affaires at the US embassy in London, and the former ambassador to Britain, as well as former Secretaries of State George Shultz and James Baker. That drew the ire of the British press, with the UK Sun reporting, “A No 10 source said last night: ‘We are a little surprised by the White House’s reaction as we were expecting a high-profile attendance.” The Guardian said that the White House sent “distinctly low-key official representation.”

Chris Kyle. When the famed sniper was murdered at a Texas shooting range in February 2013, not only did the White House make no statement, the White House sent nobody to his funeral. And while the White House did issue a statement about the death of singer Whitney Housing (she died that same month), the White House never even mentioned Kyle.

Nicholas Oresko, The Medal of Honor recipient for heroism during World War II died at age 96 last year. President Harry Truman gave him the Medal of Honor after he wiped out two enemy bunkers during the Battle of the Bulge despite being gravely wounded. There was no reported White House attendance at his funeral.

Lech Kaczynski. The Polish president was killed in a plane crash in 2010. President Obama originally announced he would attend the funeral, but cancelled, then golfed the day of his funeral.

Aunt Zeituni. Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, played a large role in his autobiography, Dreams From My Father. Obama called her “Auntie.” She died in South Boston in April 2013. As The New York Times reported, “Mr. Obama helped pay funeral expenses and sent a condolence note, Ms. Onyango’s family members said, but the president did not attend, as he was golfing.”

James Foley. Foley’s funeral is not scheduled until October 18. On Sunday, however, his family held a memorial service for the journalist beheaded at the hands of ISIS. The service, in New Hampshire, drew hundreds, including Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), as well as Governor Maggie Hassan.. There were no reports of representatives from the White House at the event.

President Obama’s delegation to Michael Brown’s funeral sends an important message. That message isn’t lost on the families of the soldiers and cops, teachers and firefighters, citizens who aren’t killed under disputed circumstances, don’t become the subject of riots, and who therefore don’t receive presidential aides at their funerals

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