Originally Posted By: italiansxs
As far as I'm concerned the U S Constitution is the secular equivelent to the Holy Bible. It may not be the word of God but, I and millions more, believed it was inspired by God.
It that makes me an old fashioned member of the "Grey Beard Brigade" so be it. I believe the Constitution is worth fighting for and if necessary dying for.

The Constitution was the result of the ideology that Man is a free and equal individual, and possesses "Natural Rights" such as Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This concept of "The Individual" was a direct outgrowth of the Protestant Reformation, where the statist tyranny of the Catholic Church was rejected in favor of the Protestant concept of Man's ability to have a personal relationship with his deity. It was a rejection of the concept of "Intercession" by the Catholic Church to achieve salvation. The massive corruption within the church, as well as the creation of the Borgia "Indulgences" (Alexander VI) which enabled the rich to buy their way into salvation were the major factors behind Martin Luther's break with the church.

The parallels between the pre-reformation Catholic Church and the current statists is startling, with the rampant corruption and sociopathic confiscation of freedom and the subsequent vote-buying.

What is needed is an "American Reformation" with the return to the values of Individual Freedom and Equality under the Constitution.

Last edited by Ken61; 09/21/14 08:56 PM.

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