Originally Posted By: Robert Chambers
Just one other important question, is there a limit on how many images I can post at the DoubleGun BBS? Is there a limit on how many images Photobucket will host before I have to delete other images or start paying for extra space? I know to keep the files as small as my camera allows, but beyond that, are there other limitations that I should be aware of?

Robert- I hurriedly uploaded those attachments during a break, it seemed to work just fine. I don't know if there are limits here on posting, I sure hope not (on that and the other questions, I guess we'll need to see if a moderator has the answers). As far a my photobucket, I haven't had any indication there is a limit or if so that I am near my limit, so I am happy to help you with any of your posts in the event you find you continue to have problems.

I finally had a chance to go through the materials. Having had only one semester of French in college (many, many years ago), my understanding of French is essentially based on common words and those that have Latin roots I recognize. I did get the pages out of order. The catalogue does appear to describe "my" MAC, so may gun could very well be post war. I saw the reference to 1945 (after the victory) so the catalogue as you stated is post war. The specifications mention the triple lock (two lugs and the lever) the 65mm 16ga chambers and steel used in my gun. More compelling are the photos which appear mirror my MAC (which isn't to say that the gun was not a pre-war design).

Thanks so much for sharing your information, your keen eye and more importantly your ability associate your data. Amazing!
