All too often these days it looks like the classic African gun is a AK-47. That is the gun that I see in all the news about Africa and I suspect that it has killed most of hte game over there for that last few years.

If you really want a classic you should look at one of the old Black Powder guns. You can pick any you want if practicle stopping power is not your main concern. Several European doubles seem to croup up in odd calibers. We forget that all of Europe went ot Africa, not just the British. And a Contential gun will bring only a fraction what a British version will bring.

I bought sight unseen just what you wanted 13 years ago for $1,000.00. Knew and trusted the seller so I took a chance. Sold it the next month for over fvie grand. Last I heard it had been resold for over twice that amount. If it were German or French it still would be south of five grand. Might find a odd caliber for your budget range. Two triggers are more fun than one.