Once again BULL

just some facts for ya King,

Bush went to congress and they voted (INCLUDING Kerry,Clinton and others) to go to invade Irag
your BOY Obama (and Reid) are afraid to vote because of politics !

Bush had a coalition of 30 nations-democracies when he went to war A coalition of the WILLING
Obama and Kerry have 7 or 8 autocracies and they ARE losing the war with ISIS.

Saddam Hussein HAD WMD's,he used them several times against his own people and threatened to us them against others !


What we knew about Saddam Hussein and WMD

Saddam Hussein certainly had WMD many years before Operation Iraqi Freedom. He used them on Kurdish towns and villages in northern Iraq. (Incidentally thats the one part of Iraq that has stayed relatively calm lately.) The suffering of those villagers prompted the Northern No-fly Zone during the Clinton administration. It also prompted then-President Bill Clinton to say that Saddam Hussein had to go.

Hillary For Prison 2018