Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Americans are rhetorically conservative but operationally progressive, as the old saying goes. There's evidence of it in both parties. Obama has cooled his jets. My guess is he'll set the populist stage for '16.

I think you have this all wrong. Americans will easily buy into the bleeding heart whine line and as a group parrot the typical pc talking points, but they'll swing the pendulum when the left pushes to hard. Your man Boehner is a good example. You and the mainstream media will regularly poke fun at him, but he's not there because the 'populists' like pelosi more.

I know you won't see it, but there're folks here that go to great lengths to provide links that'll help you be more well read. bo has not cooled any jets at all. You do realize that any 'populist' issue is exec ordered on weekends and holidays or saved for after the inconvenience of elections.

Interesting experiment may shape up. If the R's take control of congress, will bo compromise just a tad on agenda for the price of throwing a little pork at the Republican cravings. Me thinks not. I'd bet the blame game, dem fund raisers, exec orders and exec branch regulators shift into overdrive. What's he got to loose, and who would he owe, other than the god he sees in the mirror, as a lame duck running out of time.