Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I've said here ad nauseum that I'd love to see the US back in balance, that I admire the way Boehner is....

....Craig wondered in my post he attributed to you why there isn't politicizing of a public horror as in the United States, lauding my post as exemplary compared to my criticisms in Misfires....

Here's a little example of the delivery and actressing of politics is more important than any facts. You say you'd like to see balance, what does that mean. Can you touch it, spend it, eat it, get a pay check from it, get a free abortion from it, have a same sex marriage or a unisex bathroom from it?

What significant political process has your handcuffed man Boehner been able to do. Maybe, some of the hearings to shed light on the darkest of ever admins, but sequester and shutdown were the only two things I can come up with. Both, in fact all three, were ridiculed.

I wasn't attributing your post to cback, I was just going green with a little paperwork reduction condensing. Weird huh, I used a lib tactic and blamed the gun and wadaya know, could've heard a pin drop. If kids are savagely mowed down by semi auto gunfire, we're suppose to nod in agreement if the predictable lib mouthpieces go on emotion based anti rants.

My point was, I wonder why when it's close to home, King is measured, calm and truthful. When the event is exploitable for agenda, it's back to the 'punks game', in spades. Yada yada yada, what's this 'I don't know if I can get another dog' woe is me nonsense.