Shitstorm time.....

King may play fast and loose with the truth but to my mind what he does with the truth is no different than what EVERY successful politician does. He spins. I think Ken has the most accurate take of government and politicians these days....there is little difference between the Dems and the GOP...they are all bad, acting in their own self interest, not the country's.

This is true regardless of which end of the political spectrum we are looking at. The way I look at it is they are ALL liars, playing King's "Punks game".

That being said, I view King as an avid practitioner on this board of his 'punks game". We all know that.

So I am intensely tired of reading every thread, on every topic, devolve into a "King's a Liar" thread. Even if complete true.

I don't come here to read 'King's a Liar" threads or "Ed's an Idiot" threads. And I think that is true for most of us.

Personally, I enjoy the endless number of threads started by Jim, giving sensible background to headlines I have little time or inclination to read about in the MSM. It's like he is our own internet news aggregator and I for one appreciate it.

If, in the course of discussing these items, someone....King, Gil, nca, Gnomon or any number of other members.... shows up and "spins" the story, big deal. Call them out and move on.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia