There's a lesson in James's message. He uses the conditional "may" in referencing my truthfulness. He's cautious with "spin" and prejudicial in applying it only to politicians. All of us spin. He's right on my expression of the punk's game: politics as it has always been practised, little difference between parties. Let's consider that notion with Steyn's changing parties makes no difference and James's the left owns my child. They're three opinions, not entirely accurate but none is lying. They're spin. Here's Wikipedia on spin:

"In public relations, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing an interpretation of an event or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against a certain organization or public figure. While traditional public relations may also rely on creative presentation of the facts, "spin" often implies disingenuous, deceptive and/or highly manipulative tactics."

When we write we should be familiar with meanings of words. Jim seems to use "prevarication" interchangeably with lying. Calling a member a prevaricator in the Oxford English meaning, so what? Lying, of course, is a serious allegation. Here's prevarication from the English and American:

Oxford English first: "The verbs prevaricate and procrastinate have similar but not identical meanings. Prevaricate means ‘act or speak in an evasive way’ . . . Procrastinate, on the other hand, means ‘put off doing something’."

American meaning: "verb (used without object), prevaricated, prevaricating.
1. to speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie." (Note deliberately misstate--KLB)

Propaganda until recently had a department in the Vatican. From Wikipedia: "Propaganda Fide: It is the Department (Congregation) of the Holy See founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV with the double aim of spreading Christianity in the areas where the Christian message had still not arrived and of defending the patrimony of faith in those places where heresy had caused the genuineness of the faith to be questioned." Spin.

How each frames opinions is, in effect, spin. Changing parties makes some difference. The left does not own James's son. Politics is not a punk's game. They're words to make a point. Dave is not lying when he says Obama will be impeached. Knowing the meanings and distinctions of words will make Misfires a better place. I don't know that as a fact but it's a valid opinion, not lying.