If the Financial Post article from February 1974 actually exists, I have not been able to find it or "look it up". Actually, I personally believe it does exist because King the Bloviator never misses an opportunity to pump up his credibility.

The question to me becomes, where did Harry Bruce get his information about King? Since so much of what he claims is unverifiable, it's only natural to assume that it is either exaggerated or simply the product of a wild imagination. If Harry Bruce got some or all of his biographical information from King himself, I don't think it's worth the paper it's printed on. Scan it and copy and paste it here... So what? It's about as believable as Obama's computer generated Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth.

I also found a reference that told of King having lunch dates with Jackie Kennedy. Again, there is no other mention, photo, or anything to corroborate it in any Search Engines massive servers. So again, it appeared to me that some poor Canadian journalist merely regurgitated the bullshit that King fed him.

I particularly enjoyed the recent wild assed claim by King that he was not only close to JFK, but Bobby and Teddy Kennedy as well. He spoke of the jealousy that American reporters had over his higher "security clearance" that gave him greater access to the Kennedy campaigns than any of them had. I'd like to again remind you all that until RFK was assassinated, security for presidential candidates was almost non-existant. The security for RFK at the Ambassador Hotel the night he was shot was a part-time rent-a-cop from Ace Security Service. There were not even any LAPD officers on duty there.

As King says, "look it up." I myself take anything King says with a huge grain of salt. I too could tell you anything about myself in order to boost my credibility. That wouldn't make it true. And especially if I had been caught in as many lies as he has.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.