Dan Rather is the Poster Boy for dishonest journalism, but hardly the only guilty one. The Burger King knows this. He also knows that inaccurate reporting is commonplace, fact checking be damned.

I never said or even implied that Harry Bruce was either intentionally dishonest or inaccurate in his story about King. I am of the opinion that anything King told him about himself is either fiction or highly inflated. I base my opinion on King's words and actions here, and the fact that the vast majority of it is unverifiable despite extensive searches on multiple Search Engines. The fact that King's face may have been fairly commonplace on Canadian TV during his abbreviated career as a field reporter means nothing. My local weatherman's mug is on TV every day. But then, he hasn't imagined that he's practically one of the Kennedy brothers or a leading pioneer of Canadian Civil Rights. King the bloviator has repeatedly attempted to place himself on the same level as CBC luminaries such as Motley Safer or Peter Jennings. Those of you who have taken a bit of time to do comparison searches all know that King's sense of self importance is totally out of synch with reality.

I still don't believe his re-adjusted story about him having higher security clearance to the White House, Pentagon, or State Dept. than his American colleagues just because he says so. I'd like to see the proof he so frequently demands of us... and then totally ignores. The evolution of his tight special relationship with JFK to his recent tale of one with RFK and Teddy as well is amusing. I can almost believe a kinship with Ted since they both share anti-Second Amendment views. And lunches with Jackie.... that's hilarious.

King's bullshit and support of anti-gun Liberal Democrat anti-gun politicians is a disservice to all members.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.