Originally Posted By: GLS
This has nothing to do with liberal vs. conservative, etc. It has all to do about your conduct. When you and nca stunk up the board with your childish, moronic homophobic and sexual insults, I called both of you on it. Both of you should have been booted. Things just don't smell as bad when your malevolence is absent from the board. You are special.

Now this is interesting. When you did your last defense of your fellow Liberal, King, and I noted that you always ignored much more egregious behavior against Conservatives, you were in denial. I pointed out how you gave a pass to nca225's crude filthy vulgar misogynist sexual comments which he made about my daughters, and only then did you rebound with your feigned disapproval of him. Not surprisingly, King Brown was the only other one here who excused nca225's filthy remarks, and he even suggested that I should forgive him. This from a dishonest sleaze who often accused Mitt Romney and other Republicans of misogyny.

Looks to me as if liars of a feather flock together. Hey, that rhymes just like Gil's poetry!

Bugger off you petty hypocrite. As the rules say, if you don't like it, don't read it. But if I've gotten under your skin, I'm a happy guy. smile Your discontent is added insurance that I'll continue calling out liberal liars and anti-gun trolls who have nothing but admiration, respect, and support for the Liberal Democrat politicians who continually infringe upon our 2nd Amendment rights.

BTW Jim, Gil did provide his full name the last time he got his panties in a knot and I noted several times that he too had been posting anonymously under the GLS tag. Only then did he come out of his closet. I guess I'll take him at his word that his name really is Gil St acey. As you may recall, Gil's fellow lawyer Geo Newbern told us that the name he uses here is a fake name. Smart man. In my opinion, an intelligent gun collector does not put his full name on the internet and place his family at risk of burglary or home invasion.

Am I implying something about Gil's intelligence?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.