Originally Posted By: King Brown
I don't nor does anyone know how the electorate would have responded if a presidential candidate was a military wash-out from drug abuse.

It wouldn't matter if Bush was Republican or Democrat. The privileged protect would should be in the public domain. We can't.

This begs the next question:

How do you think the electorate would have responded if they knew that Obama was a radical leftist/communist/socialist/statist that did not believe in the concept of individual freedom and equality? What if people had understood that he had every intention of converting our economy into a State-controlled one? What if he had actually "Run" on the nationalization of American health care? Remember, health care was not an election issue. What if he had "Run" on an open-border, unrestricted immigration policy that legalized aliens already in America? What if he had "Run" on the destruction of the coal industry through EPA regulation? What if he had said he intended to use the IRS against his political enemies? He ran on NONE of these things. He merely told whatever group he was in front of exactly what he thought they wanted to hear, meaning he lied to around 50% of Americans. Since he is obviously a statist religious sociopath of the Soviet school, all the lies are considered righteous and good, and are a form of statist "Taqiyya", or "Lying for the Faith"....

None of these things have anything to do with Obama's personal history. There are plenty of rumors about that, including his sexual history. They all deal with POLICY. I could care less what someone did in their youth, its how they represent the electorate when once in office that is important.

Military and Federal employee drug testing began after a 1981 plane crash upon the Nimitz. Reagan signed the Executive Order. We constantly did random testing while I was in the service, and we would occasionally catch someone. If they were lower enlisted, they'd get counseling and a second chance. If they were officers or NCOs, they'd get the boot. Just like Hunter Biden, (VP Biden's son) who just got booted from the Navy for cocaine use. He had received waivers for both his age as well as for prior drug use. He tested positive for Coke after only around a month after receiving his commission, which was awarded to him as a "Direct Commission" such as doctors and lawyers receive. We'll have to see how THAT plays out for ol'Hunter's political aspirations...

Last edited by Ken61; 10/28/14 06:35 PM.

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