Originally Posted By: King Brown
I think most politicians start off like yours. Most are good guys. I take you at your word that yours has been authentic in representing his constituents. They are expected over time to toe the line. Not for nothing do candidates and parties spend unconscionable amounts of money to frame the message, never in the minds of the Founding Fathers. I hope your man does win; we need more of them.

Kumbaya is a predictable tactic, are you sure we should all just be holding hands walking off into the sunset.

I'm so curious why we would need 'more of them' when they would be polar opposites of you upper third bestest pres ever. How do know they tend to start off half way decent. You can ignore this prez' own biography explaining he was damaged goods at least from back in high school. When was point that he was a 'good guy', maybe he's not now? Did his transformation into a bad guy elevate him to the top third.

Awe, don't worry about it, more conjecture.