Too bad King's middle name wasn't Lennon. Then he could have told us he was one of the Beatles.

And my how precocious to have firsthand knowledge of Canadian operatives killing German spies in New York while still a prepubescent boy! You suppose he got the top secret information on his Cracker Jack decoder ring? Why I'll bet our mild mannered reporter was really born on the Planet Krypton. Watch out! The evil keith Luthor has no-tox shotgun shells loaded with 1 1/4 oz. of #4 Green Kryptonite! Yikes! This is a job for...SuperKing...To be continued...

But it all makes perfect sense now. Obviously a Canadian reporter with Communist leanings... who was known to the CIA... would have a higher security clearance and greater access to the White House, Pentagon, and State Department... especially during the Cold War. Who would expect anything else? How could I have doubted him? Misfires would be a boring place without our own Agent 007... or should I say Agent 00 Seagrams 7?

Ken61, if you'd like to learn more about King's vast experiences, I can loan you a copy of "Grimm's Fairy Tales".

Gil, you want us to believe this shit??? What a dumbass.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.