Originally Posted By: ed good
and here are some reasons why buyers return merchandise:

- item has major flaw that was not mentioned in sales description. as a result it is worth significantly less than what i paid for it. seller will not pay for repair. so i have no choice but to return it for refund or pay for repair myself.

- since i made deal, i found something i like better and want to get out of this deal, so i can make another deal.

- i thought item was worth much more than i paid for it. so i thought i could flip it and make a quick profit. turns out it is worth the same or less than i paid, so there is no profit to be had.

- when my wife found out i had bought another gun, the crap hit the fan...so i gotta send it back and get the money back, so i can move back into the bed room...
And yet another reason why the "wimmenfolk" have no business meddling with a man's prerogative to invest his hard won $ into guns- instead of such frivolities as a new washing machine or snow tires for her car- right from the Gene Hill playbook, who apparently took no crap from Marcia Hill- right on Gene-o!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..