ed the ratings system on GunsAmerica and Gunbroker favor the seller. They think the seller is their customer rather than the buyer as the seller sends them a check.

You could get more for your guns if you had a more generous return policy.

Several sellers on here (with good reputations here) have a clear and easy-to-understand return policy. The return policy you asked Bob Cash for is the same return policy as Cabelas'. All have the same potential for problems with bad buyers as you do.

The reason you can't get your money for the high condition guns you have had listed lately is that only experienced collectors are interested in paying the extra money for the extra original condition. Your cheesy return policy puts them off. You might change it on the better guns.

Your current return policy is vague, iffy, arbitrary, and stingy. When you split hairs like you did over the meaning of "off face", claiming it depends on whether the forend is on or off you are playing "gotcha".



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 11/04/14 05:01 PM.

I am glad to be here.