Originally Posted By: Stan
Thanks for the reply, Dewey. I assume the owner will use it mostly on whitetails. What do you figure it to fairly be, a 75 yd. gun? Again, it ought to be dog nuts on hogs in the thick stuff.

I really like peeps on a gun like this. I usually screw out the aperture and just look through the "housing" when the light gets low, or if a snap shot is imminent. Surprising how accurate you can still shoot with a great big aperture. Your eye just naturally centers the front sight in the aperture regardless of how big or small it is.


The peep sight is quite effective. I agree that a large aperture can be as fast to acquire as an express sight.
It's just the thing for older eyes.
I'm sure that the gun and ammunition combination is capable out to 100 yards but I'm just as sure that I personally am not.
75 yards would be my limit.