I will grant you that network news carries a bias in favor of midstream Democratic positions. Fox News, on the other hand, goes far beyond the networks in presenting material, not to inform viewers but to upset them, to make them angry, to promote outrage. There is no rumor so patently untrue that it won't be given coverage. Fox News doesn't tell it's audience what to think; it tells them not to think at all, simply to feel the outrage of current events and be shocked. PBS News Hour is the single best television news source. It covers stories the networks don't have time for; it covers stories in some depth; it makes an effort to present two sides of an issue. We live in a complicated world. People who can't see at least two sides to every issue are doomed to be disappointed and frustrated, even more than those who do. Bitterness and outrage are sometimes unavoidable, but as a world view don't permit much of a grasp of events. To scapgoat the party of a majority of American citizens is simply evidence of brainwashing. I know no Democrat who reflexively demonizes all Republicans

Bill Ferguson