FOX News: I watch O'Reilly many evenings and I'm awaiting YOUR specifics of what's "untrue" that he has reported. If you pull a typical King Brown gambit here and ignore this or try to change the subject we'll understand as by doing so it's tacit admittance we're right.
Additionally if it hadn't been for the efforts of Greta Van Susteren another Fox reporter and others that poor Marine who just made a mistake would still be rotting in a Mexican jail. The Libtard occupying the White House didn't lift a finger to come to his aid. And the "mainstream news media hardly reported on it!
The"mainstream news media" has attempted to sweep everyhing rotten this administration is guilty of under the rug from Fast & Furious to Benghazi, to the The IRS scandal to bugging the Fox reporters to the VA fiasco and the list goes on.
And that's fair and balanced reporting? If your a Libtard; FOX news is the prime reason they wern't successful in hiding these criminal acts and the reason FOX is vilified by Obama and his Libtard minions.
Again, I and I'm sure others, await your SPECIFIC FACTS showing FOX News lying about what's really happening in the world today

Last edited by italiansxs; 11/10/14 04:31 PM.

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