I don't recall the "Birther" issue being Republican policy. Since it was started by Hillary Clinton, the democrats have morphed it into an issue to demonize republicans. You have to differentiate between actual policy and mythology used by the democrats. I've stated my views since I've got experience with the system, but it's not a big deal to me. There are too many inconsistencies in Obama's background. Doesn't it bother you that there's obviously a cover-up going on?

Obviously, if voter fraud isn't pervasive, then you have no problem with showing an I.D. It clearly exists, but it certainly wasn't widespread enough to alter the last election. Except perhaps in Virginia, as it was close. It was enough to put Al Franken in the Senate, he cornered the "felon vote". That was Coleman's big failing, he should have demanded a Special Election.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.