"Jim, Fox doesn't pretend to be anything other than an arm of the Republican Party."

This may surpass all the other absolute pieces of horseshit you've presented here over the years in total. That's roughly equivalent to claiming the "mainstrean news media" is fair and balanced which anyone with any intelligence knows is B.S. Even the idiot occupying the White house wouldn't have the unmitigated gall to make that claim.
With reporters such as Juan Williams,Kersten Power, Geraldo Rivera and others. they're an arm of the Republican Party?? That's a pretty sick joke if this is what you intended.
Obama routinely singles out FOX news as a thorn in his side not because he can refute what they report but because FOX makes things very uncomfortable for him.
FOX News presents the ONLY prime time TV news program that's balanced and the overwhelming percentage of viewers they have supports this. Either you've NEVER watched it or are just parroting what you've been told by your Libtard friends.
Why don't you write to O'Reilly and make that claim as I'm sure he'll do a far better job of demolishing it then I can.
Even I, after watching some of the bizarre wacky stuff you've posted here over the years, am in disbelief you'd make this kind of outlandish claim.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.