What cost Mitt Romney the election is taking his foot off the neck of the serpent after he had him on the ropes and made Obama look like the stumblebum he is in the second debate. Add to that the widespread voter fraud that Rocky Mtn Bill declares did not happen. You Libtards still cannot tell us how voter I.D. laws in any way disenfranchise anyone.

I switched channels from FOX to MSNBC for the last couple hours. Went from two-sided commentary where Liberals got their chance to make their case on FOX, and then went to MSNBC and a 100% anti-Republican diatribe except when they were fawning over Obama like King Brown and Rocky Mtn Bill constantly do. This was no surprise to me . I do it quite often... often enough to know King is spewing Bullshit from every pore.

Agenda driven. Committed Libtards. Dishonest. Even to the point of supporting and providing cover for anti-gun Liberal Left Democrats. These people are not our friends. They are absolutely enemies of the Second Amendment. They are a disservice to all members. They are like a Malignant Cancer.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.