Originally Posted By: King Brown
Your memory seems to be as bad as mine, Craig. I've explained numerous times how media works, separation of opinion and news columns, and what I've seen of the social bent of practitioners.

King look at Rather and Mapes in "Memogate". Or Mike Wallace and General Westmoreland. True that CBS won the lawsuit but on a technicality, not on the facts. What about the press' deliberate policy of not showing FDR in a wheelchair? Or its failure to report John F Kennedy's dalliances? Or Martin Luther King's extensive extra-marital sex life? The lefty journalists claim a separation between opinion and news columns but in practice they mix them. They frequently withhold negative information about liberal candidates and plot to release the bad news about conservatives at the time it will do the most damage to the conservative politician (again, Rather and Mapes).

That separation is just another myth promulgated by the liberals.

I am glad to be here.