Originally Posted By: King Brown
....Craig: as postscript to my last message on red and blue, while fishing on Rush's website today, I hauled in this:

"RUSH: The fact of the matter is that over half the population is in that blue area. That's what's not told to you people looking at that map."

He thinks only he can recognize the obvious.

Two quick points. First, if it is obvious to you, are you in lock step with his facts, or do you subscribe to his opinionated rants. Hmmm, neither fits, though uncomfortable it still quotes as a fact.

Also, consider Rush is willing to state the obvious. Getting you to admit that gun control can not stop the criminal from going berserk is very difficult, but remains a truth whatever your ideological agenda. Back to your fishing trip, is it Rush or the progressive lefties that in the darkest of shadows, redistrict voting maps to maximize agenda not constituent representation.

You know, it's a piece of cake for a 'journalist' to not bring up opinion, when the entire programming has been predetermined to literally regurgitate talking points. In case you were wonder, I don't think we'll be able to show that Rush can write up Republican talking points and get msnbc, or Fox, to 'report' them verbatim as news. But, I bet a val jaret can get the mainstream folks to jump through hoops on behalf of the pres.