Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I've said many times there is no such thing as neutral "non-opinionated" news columns because human nature being what it is, reporters choose words which reflect, consciously or otherwise, what they think. I never heard of your non-voter theory....

No dispute on the first part, but maybe you can see that I don't agree with your 'facts' that mainstream journalists largely report 'fact', and that Fox is nearly all opinion. Every time you try to clarify, we get farther away from the charade that your left wing journalists can keep opinion out of their infomercials.

As to the non voter, you were lead to water, but unable to drink. Good, bad or indifferent there is a factual record of the pres' 'it wasn't my fault for Tuesdays loss' speech.

See how silly it gets when I have too much time on my hands.