In 1983 my friend the late Geoffrey Boothroyd published some facts on Armurerie Vouzelaud. Below is an abstract from the publication.
Records show that Vouzelaud was established in 1888. In 1983 the business was located at;.
8,Place des Halles, Brou .[Brou is south west of Paris with the nearest town being Chartes.]
The model 315 EGL and 315EGL special were Vouzelaud's best side lock guns.These guns were made in St;Etiene under the personal supervision of M.Vouzelaud. The selling price in 1983 was 30,000 francs [2500 pounds]approx.By comparison a Winchester model 101 at this date sold for 6,300 francs[525 pounds]'
It is worth noting that M.Vouzelaud is reported as being Purdey,s agent in France,circa 1983.

Last edited by Roy Hebbes; 11/25/14 10:05 PM.

Roy Hebbes