
The Gun Digest (late 80's early 90's I think) had a good article on Vouzelaud. I don't have the Gun Digest index nor the time @ the moment to locate the edition with the article but I will find it as soon as I have the time.

Perhaps someone has a Gun Digest index & could look it up?

As I recall from the article, Vouzelaud @ the time made only sideplated boxlocks & was very clever at making their guns appear to be sidelocks with fake pins & tumbler axles.

Correction: I got a chance to search the Gun Digests I have from the 80's up through the early 2000's when I quit buying it & couldn't find a Vouzelaud article so I likely was thinking of the article in Game & Gun that Larry Brown previously referenced & I also have in my library.

I remembered the article on Vouzelaud as I was amazed that anyone would go to all that trouble to make a quality A&D style boxlock resemble a sidelock when IMHO a quality A&D boxlock is plenty good & handsome enough to stand on it's own.

Last edited by Brittany Man; 11/29/14 12:25 PM. Reason: correction