I'm not much of a scholar. I barely read anything.

That said, it seems to me that we're talking about different things. I'm not going to get into the slavery issue, with regard to "what the Bible says" because faith-based, yet scholarly, discussions always seem (or lean towards the) absurd.

We may have (animal) proclivities that lead us to commmit acts that would be perceived, by most, as evil. That is probably why people came up with tribal laws, religions, governments to begin with. There is power in consensus. That power works both for and against the "rights" of the individual, hence the need to recognize and protect the individual (animal/natural) right to self preservation.

"Liberals" are the FIRST people who should recognize this! They share something in common with the "founding fathers" of our "government"... They don't trust THEMSELVES!~) I'm not sure how that translates into trusting their respective governments.

Last edited by Jacob Jesus Escape'; 05/07/07 11:07 AM.
