Originally Posted By: GLS
Can't admit your are wrong.

Can't admit YOUR are wrong??? Sure I can Gil. I misspelled asterisk in my haste and won't even blame it on a typo... as my gift to you... since that's all you've got.

You sure as hell haven't been able to show us that King was being factual and truthful when he posted all of those lies and bullshit on pg 4 of this thread, (and which I responded to on pg. 5) to support his contention that his brand of Liberalism is thriving and growing. You, or rocky mtn bill, or your pal King also haven't commented about why labeling was OK for him and other Leftists when they denigrated and lied about the TEA Party.

Originally Posted By: Ken61
Once again, Comrade King, you miss my point.

This quote of yours is illustrative of why you're such a hoot, as obviously the sociopathically bigoted labeling of the Tea Party is a classic example of statist religious demonization, performed by essentially pathological liars. I see that they were exempt from your points about being a "bad fit" or "counterproductive". Obviously to you, members of your religion are merely "Righteous and Good", and speaking "Absolute Truth"..

Originally Posted By: King Brown

Labeling, Ken, often is a bad fit, counterproductive, as we see on Misfires.

I guess I'm just not one of those "Righteous and Good" people like you Gil, who can just ignore King's endless repeated pathological lies, and try to make lame excuses for them.

So you just cling to that misspelled asterisk like a security blanket crybaby.

When I saw the "Can't admit YOUR are wrong", and some of your other mistakes and typos, I didn't think it was much to worry about compared to your other idiocy and sleazy low-life pride about selling a mercury contaminated house. I'm glad you can joke about that too, and that you can act like you have such high moral standards.


Why don't you give these folks a call and joke about it? 404-657-5947

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.